From the Free Ryan Ferguson Page, October 25, 2013: Bravo! Keith - TopicsExpress


From the Free Ryan Ferguson Page, October 25, 2013: Bravo! Keith Morrison, thank you for noticing, and saying right out loud, that theres a problem with our Justice system today. Ryan has done something I think had been long in coming, and I will get after you about it in a minute, Ry! The cause of justice, which the courts were expressly created to protect, has been usurped by pursuit of law! Yuck! Justice is this beautiful idea, where if someone wrongs you, it will be righted. If someone accuses you of wrongdoing, an accounting will be made...Law on the other hand, is a goiter on the neck of Justice, except weve reached a point in accepted American justice systems where the goiter is autonomous and the neck has no recourse, no rights. The problem is that the practice of law has become a pursuit unto itself. It is a closed system, and does not seek justice or truth, those things are the dogmatic reasons to go into law, sure, but they run a distant second to playing the game of law, a game that knows nothing of people and justice, a game where your mastery of the rules and your control of the nuances are the real goals. The people being argued over (the accused, those seeking justice) are peripheral to the point of despair anymore, theyre merely the pieces on the game board, the fodder the two sides argue over, each trying in their turn to best the other with logic problems, or defeat the other by finding an obscure ruling that tilts the case in their favor, neither really caring about those seeking justice, except where it happily crosses over into helping their score on a case... When someone accuses you of a crime, they install their paperwork in the court system. the court system generates paperwork based on what theyve received, and the DA pokes around in there to see what they can make out of it, weighing how much they can charge you with versus what they can prove, how much pressure may be applied in making sure you plead out to something, anything that improves their record, their score, if you will... the judges, theyre elected, in most cases. Big issue,that. When a person is ruling based on public perception, and once weve reached a point where there are signs governing the attire to be worn into a room of Justice, then we may feel entitled to count ourselves in dire straights. If a Honorable Ruler is going to be more popular at the polls for a tough background(something the American public screeches for at top volume, in our desperation that our country not be collapsing in on itself, Going to the Birds, whatever) then I will guarantee you this: Any judge who would like to pursue Sitting The Bench as a career will also be convicting the crap out of people!! It generates revenue, keeps the jails full of the Bad element so that we can all rest easier, and shows a stolid, firm aspect to the people that has been made synonymous with progress, and safety. So, what do you really have, for a justice system these days? Well, Ill tell you(from bitter experience) :A cop(success in his career predicated on catching bad guys..his meteoric rise through the ranks all but guaranteed if hes willing to accuse unfairly and bully people into confessions, or scare them into bargains, or just if theyre helpless and he knows it) sees a person who looks like a suspect in whatever crime is afoot. They assume guilt and dig into that persons day, trying to make the lies show themselves, or, trying to make their THEORY fit the crime and match up to the criminal. They take this to the DAs office, and their part is done, really. Theyll be cruisin a Charger at work soon, sporting Sergeants stripes...and there theyre pretty much out of influence. Now the DA, they look at this set of Facts(they become the facts almost immediately, because ALL cops are pure of motive, and would never lie to improve their own scores, dont you know it! In fact, our justice system lends almost total credence to an accusing cop, given that your testimony regarding your innocence is the only refutation to stack against the cops accusation. If that happens, no matter how poor and shaky the cops story, they get the benefit of almost all doubt, and America, that should terrify you!)and try to spin it to their best possible use. Prosecutors(whos aspirations are almost universally a spot on the bench, presiding)want wins. No matter what. Wins. Because their careers have reached a historical point where wins, not justice, guarantee success..Theyll beat any story into whatever shape they need to, argue and fight that people have to answer parts of real questions so it casts them in poor light(weird, playground rule a really involved D&D, and isnt that the REAL practice of Law, these days?!) all the time ignoring the PURSUIT OF THE TRUTH AND SUBSEQUENT JUSTICE!!!!! because to give weight to Truth or allow justice to matter is also to fail in your career pursuits. Sad but true, anymore....I know, there are people who get into law to do good for people, but only with very rare exception do those get to pursue a career that echoes a Doing Good sentiment. Mostly, I think its more the Kubler-Ross model, five stages leading to the acceptance of the death of your honest law career, and then a trail of justifications stringing along behind your career in quiet accusations and condemnations, but that you can learn to ignore like a bitter wife youve discovered you dont like much anyway, and so dont feel so bad upsetting any more. Judges, those are lawyers with extra determination. In the race through the video game of law, theyre the ones who beat all the other Law-Gamers, and they have the seat to provi, too! They get to decide whether arguments will even be heard, so theyre the lawyers Gods, really. The problem is, the guys who feel they deserve such a position are most likely going to be egotists, unscrupulous to a degree beyond their constituency(how else to get better numbers than the rest?), Hell bent on whatever numbers the people say they need to see, the proof that their judge is watching over the community. This is all just a video game to these players. They build careers on their good LAW joysticking. The cop who wrested Confessions(lets use the term the courts did, with the understanding that these were not confessions. A confession requires guilt, not weary, resigned cooperation) was chasing a bigger career, so he needed to close this case. The DA needed to close this case, so he colluded in beating, beating, beating these people almost into believing what they were told had happened to them, what they saw... The problem is, when confronted with authority, our tendency is to feel like we must have done something not so good, else why all the hubbub? People can and quite regularly are made to feel they are guilty of something...but when you put them somewhere and they have time to think, away from the AUTHORITY whose very presence made them feel they needed to accept some measure of responsibility about whatever, when their sanity has a chance to reassert itself, youre gonna get perspective, and with it, the understanding that youve been mislead, cajoled, intimidated into acquiescing....and then youre hopefully going to get jaded enough to STOP letting it happen, youre gonna recant. But none of this matters to the practice of law this case flies in the face of. The rules have been bastardized, warped over such a period of time, to suit the games players, to insure that law is their exclusive bailiwick(when a judge says A man who represents himself has a fool for a client. and treats a man who distrusts the courts and goes it alone harshly, that judge is making an example designed to warn others away from feeling confident they need not find a lawyer in whatever Guilty until proven innocent case they find boiling up around them...When a judge can say If you wear shorts into MY court you may expect the worst treatment! You may count on justice having fled the building with the entry of such an ego. When cameras were banned in so many courtrooms, ((a practice I believe is unconstitutional, but accepted, when enforced))so that no person may record the proceedings against them, to refer to later...and then must rely on that courts record and selected videos to support claims of injustice, When ALL the information in a court case is subject to filtering through the courts before all else, then youre away of justice, and in a video game....If Ryan and his loving, strong father Bill, can pull this off, further, if they make the public aware that the system is broken, that the rewards are such that the practicers are almost guaranteed to be bigger criminals than the worst people they ever represent, casually, almost whimsically, nearly daily, if they can make people see that LAW has become a game of dirty pool, where the winners are the crookedest in the field...if they can make it general practice to inquire after facts, instead of accepting what theyre told, and if they can give credence back to the accused (innocent until proven guilty is loooong lost...check out bail and monitoring bracelets that cost 10 to 20 dollars a day as prerequisites to freedom before court dates, if you wonder how loooong gone!)....If you pull this off, and make America raise its head and ask these questions, and law gets a makeover, then Bill, Ryan you sirs, are National Goddamned Heroes. Period. And if you can make that awareness run to an overhaul of our most dangerous policies(reward systems that encourage criminals to join in the practice of law) then you should almost immediately enter the running for Nobel Prizes, and I mean that in all sincerity, no grandstanding. America needs you, and they need to let you show them that what is right can still be recognized, that law may have the law on its side but no longer does it represent justice and truth. God Bless the Hell out of you guys! Go home RYAN!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:12:27 +0000

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