From the Hill... There is a modern proverb that proclaims that - TopicsExpress


From the Hill... There is a modern proverb that proclaims that Life is not a dress rehearsal. The sentiment that this proverb means to convey is that everything we do in life counts - this is the real thing, the performance. But theres a different meaning for rehearsal that changes the meaning of that proverb entirely. Normally we think of a rehearsal as a practice session but in reality, it is a repetition. For many dogs, their problem behaviours are the direct result of lots of rehearsal. The dog that barks every time someone walks past the window. The dog that pulls incessantly on the leash. The dog that jumps up in greeting each time someone enters the house. All of these situations represent dozens, if not hundreds of rehearsals. To be sure the concerned owner will attempt to interrupt the behaviour or try to use a correction to punish the behaviour after the fact. But the dog has had yet another opportunity to rehearse a behaviour we would rather they not do. There is a funny aspect to well rehearsed behaviours that we sometimes forget to consider when thinking about our dogs. There is comfort in what we find familiar. The same is true for our dogs. Just as rehearsing for a play or a job gives us the confidence to cope because we know what to do, those unfortunate but well rehearsed behaviours could actually be comforting or ever rewarding for our dog! Fortunately, the answer to this conundrum is very simple. Lets just not have all of those rehearsals. After all, it is through rehearsal that the unfamiliar becomes familiar. Then the familiar becomes habit. Then the habit becomes reflex. And then were in real trouble. The best way to solve a problem is not to have that problem in the first place! As dog owners, were smart and we have plenty of opportunities to manage our dogs. The first time our dog barks out the window, pulls on leash, or jumps up to greet us, we have the information we need to avoid a potential problem. Punishing the dog after the behaviour happens is no good, the rehearsal has already happened. The key is to arrange things so that our dogs will rehearse a DIFFERENT behaviour; one that we would much prefer for them to do. So, for both you and your dog, life is very much a rehearsal! Setting your dogs up to rehearse the right things will help those good behaviours become habits and even reflexes before you know it. Make sure you take the time to change the script so that you are rehearsing the good things. Eric
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 23:16:08 +0000

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