From the Inde: Here is the text of the letter Hammond Aqualife - TopicsExpress


From the Inde: Here is the text of the letter Hammond Aqualife sent to city officials requesting to purchase The Legends of Massillon golf course in its entirety: To: City of Massillon From: Hammond Aqualife LLC. Re: Intent to purchase Legends of Massillon Golf Course Date: 4-4-2014 We at Hammond Aqualife LLC. wish to signal to the city of Massillon a change in our interest concerning the south-nine holes at the current Legends of Massillon golf course. As of now, the city of Massillon is in the process of considering legislation that would allow for Hammond Aqualife LLC to lease a portion of the golf course for a $10 dollar per annum cost over a thirty year lease agreement. We no longer wish to pursue the lease agreement and instead, are proposing an outright purchase of the entire golf course-including the 27 holes of golf as well as all existing structures and amenities. We at Hammond Aqualife LLC, in concert with all our international partners, advisors as well as investors, believe that the best way to ensure that we retain control over the quality of our attraction is to proceed with such a purchase. Hammond Aqualife LLC will supply, at a time of the city of Massillon’s choosing, a model that exposes a comprehensive purchase plan. Hammond Aqualife will gladly incorporate language into a structured land purchase contract which protects the interests of the city as Massillon as well as the long-term interests of Hammond Aqualife. Such language may include, but not be limited to ; i.) A deadline for the commencement of construction of our attraction. ii.) An assurity/performance insurance that would guarantee deconstruction of any unfinished construction effort should Hammond Aqualife incur a catastrophic event or failure. iii.) Hammond’s intention to recapitalize the existing golf course as well as amenities. iv.) Protective measures to return golf course and amenities to the city should Hammond Aqualife abandon the site as a result of a catastrophic event or failure. v.) Appointment of an auditor or disinterested third-party to monitor that payment agreement is being followed as as structured. Clearly, there will be many more details in such an agreement. Our desire is to demonstrate several things: We at Hammond do not fashion ourselves as a company that owns and operates golf courses but rather as a company that builds and operates an extraordinary, world-class entertainment attraction that happens to own and operate an adjoining golf course; we wish to protect the interests of the city of Massillon in such an agreement to the absolute best of our ability in order to make ourselves an excellent corporate citizen of the city and community at large; we have no intention to acquire a golf course in order to sell it to another owner for purposes other than to own and operate a golf course…and we intend to do so in a contract that binds us to our intentions. We hope that you all will consider our intentions to the point where we move forward to the next step of the official offer. Thank you, very kindly, for all your consideration in this process as we move forward to realize this magnificent project will working in harmony and concert with the city of Massillon! Sincerely, Fidel M. Junco Founder, Hammond Aqualife LLC Read more: indeonline/article/20140404/News/140409517#ixzz2xxDWJeQY
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 21:10:25 +0000

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