From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 21st, 1901: OPENING - TopicsExpress


From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 21st, 1901: OPENING OF THE INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE. On Wednesday Sept. 18, the formal opening of the Industrial Institute took place. A large crowd, estimated at over 250 was present. The exercises were begun by a brilliant march on the piano by the talented musical director of the Institute Prof. Florent Sontag. Dr. Stephens invited to seats on the stage, Dr. Lee of New Iberia; Capt. J. C. Buchanan, of the Board of Trustees; L. J. Alleman, parish superintendent of schools; A. Olivier, president of the School Board; M. Billeaud, president of the Police Jury; Crow Girard, treasurer of the Institute; Mayor Caffery; and representatives of the press. Dr. E. L. Stephens, president of the Institute, made a short but very appropriate address in which he appealed to the friends of education to lend their assistance in making the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute a powerful factor in the educational development of Southwest Louisiana. Prof. Stephens introduced Rev. C. C. Kramer of New Iberia, who opened the session with prayer. Mayor Caffery was the first speaker, who welcomed the pupils, and spoke on education and its advantages. At the conclusion of his address Prof. Sontag rendered Elgie, a violin solo in his usual happy and artistic manner. Being encored he favored the audience with Loves Dream After the Ball. Prof. Sontag was very fortunate in having Mrs. McBride for an accompanist, Rev. Kramer was next introduced, and made one of the most eloquent and entertaining speeches ever heard in Lafayette, Rev. Kramer, though a resident of New Iberia, may still be claiming as one of us, for he has charge of the Episcopal churches in both New Iberia and Lafayette, and we are proud to have among us a gentleman as gifted as Rev. Kramer is. Immediately upon the close of Rev. Kramers address, Dr. Stephens invited all pupils prepared to take the examination to pass to their respective class rooms. More than 100 students presented themselves for examination. Before dismissing the audience, Dr. Stephens announced that there would be no school on Thursday out of respect to the funeral of President McKinley. Lafayette Advertiser 9/21/1901. Our 37th. Anniversary. - To-day the Advertiser begins its 37th year. In the future as in the past, the Advertiser will always consistently advocate what it thinks is for the best interests of the people, and its efforts will always be directed toward the upbuilding of the town and parish. Laf. Advertiser 9/21/1901. No Gusher. - Last Sunday it was rumored in town that a gusher had been struck at Anse la Butte, and that the flow was thousands of barrels a day. It proved to be a false alarm. Nevertheless there was some foundation for the report, for a heavy pressure of gas did cause rock and sand to fly from the well, and finally obstruct the 6 inch pipe. A gusher was expected on that day by both the drillers and shareholders, and perhaps would have been brought in had not the pipe become stopped up. A four inch pipe was employed at once to clean the 6 inch pipe, and the work is still progressing. Lafayette Advertiser 9/21/1901.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 14:41:18 +0000

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