From the Minneapolis City Planning Commission Regular Meeting, - TopicsExpress


From the Minneapolis City Planning Commission Regular Meeting, November 10, 2014 4:30 p.m. - City Hall, 350 S 5th St - Room 317, Minneapolis, Minnesota Commissioners: President Tucker, Bender, Brown, Forney, Gagnon, Gisselman, Kronzer, Luepke-Pier and Slack – 9 Committee Clerk: Lisa Kusz (612) 673-3710 Lagoon and Irving Apartments (BZZ-6883, Ward: 7) 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S ACTION: APPROVED Exciting News! 1 more CUP with 4 more VARIANCES added to the Planning Commission’s approval list. Wonder if they have a goal number for the year? HERE IS THE YOUTUBE MEETING LINK where you can watch the rubberstamp back patting session for a development by developers being sued by the city for another shoreland overlay district property. CM Bender moved to approve and she and another commissioner wished to congratulate the applicant their responses. It starts at 38:19 https://youtube/watch?v=BvI0P2Lt0GM&list=UU1IHi7mIMbFhZo4j_H6QIsA Don’t forget there are demolitions involved and that the Planning Commission requested on a SHORT presentation on this. Apparently it was impractical to reduce the size of the building? ------ Lagoon and Irving Apartments (BZZ-6883, Ward: 7) 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S (Hilary Dvorak). [email protected] A. Conditional Use Permit: Application by Scott Nelson with DJR Architecture, on behalf of Daniel Oberpriller with CPM Development LLC, for a conditional use permit to increase the height of the building in the SH Shoreland Overlay District from 2.5 stories/35 feet to 6 stories/75 feet for the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S. Recommended Motion: The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt the findings and approve the application for a conditional use permit to increase the height of the building located in the SH Shoreland Overly District from the permitted 2.5 stories/35 feet to 6 stories/75 feet at the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S, subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditional use permit shall be recorded with Hennepin County as required by Minn. Stat. 462.3595, subd. 4 before building permits may be issued or before the use or activity requiring a conditional use permit may commence. Unless extended by the zoning administrator, the conditional use permit shall expire if it is not recorded within two years of approval. 2. The height of the building shall be no taller than 70.5 feet and the height of the elevator penthouse shall be no taller than 75 feet. B. Variance: Application by Scott Nelson with DJR Architecture, on behalf of Daniel Oberpriller with CPM Development LLC, for a variance to increase the maximum impervious surface requirement from 85 percent to 87 percent for the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S. Recommended Motion: The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt the findings and approve the application for a variance to increase the maximum impervious surface requirement from 85 percent to 87 percent at the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S subject to the following condition: 1. The development shall comply with all applicable regulations governing stormwater management, and shall employ best management practices to minimize off-site stormwater runoff, maximize overland flow and flow distances over surfaces covered with vegetation, increase on-site filtration, replicate predevelopment hydrologic conditions as nearly as possible, minimize off-site discharge of pollutants to ground and surface water, and encourage natural filtration function. C. Variance: Application by Scott Nelson with DJR Architecture, on behalf of Daniel Oberpriller with CPM Development LLC, for a variance to reduce the front yard setback along Lagoon Ave from the required 15 feet to 10 feet for a transformer, 7 feet for a walkway and to 5 feet for the building located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S. Recommended Motion: The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt the findings and approve the application for a variance to reduce the front yard setback along Lagoon Ave from the required 15 feet to 10 feet for a transformer, 7 feet for a walkway and to 5 feet for the building at the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S, subject to the following condition: 1. In order to provide additional screening around the transformer a low wall shall be built along Lagoon Avenue on the subject site. D. Variance: Application by Scott Nelson with DJR Architecture, on behalf of Daniel Oberpriller with CPM Development LLC, for a variance to reduce the corner side yard setback along Irving Ave S from the required 18 feet to 5 feet for the building and to zero feet for the stairs and walkway for the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S. Recommended Motion: The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt the findings and approve the application for a variance to reduce the corner side yard setback along Irving Ave S from the required 18 feet to 5 feet for the building and to zero feet for the stairs and walkway at the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S. E. Variance: Application by Scott Nelson with DJR Architecture, on behalf of Daniel Oberpriller with CPM Development LLC, for a variance to reduce the rear yard setback from the required 15 feet to 5 feet for the building located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S. Recommended Motion: The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt the findings and approve the application for a variance to reduce the rear yard setback from the required 15 feet to 5 feet for the building at the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S. F. Site Plan Review: Application by Scott Nelson with DJR Architecture, on behalf of Daniel Oberpriller with CPM Development LLC, for a site plan review for the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S. Recommended Motion: The Department of Community Planning and Economic Development recommends that the City Planning Commission adopt the findings and approve the site plan review application to allow a new 28,284 square foot, mixed-use building at the properties located at 1609 and 1611 Lagoon and 2910 Irving Ave S, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the final site plan, landscaping plan, elevations and lighting plan by the Department of Community Planning and Economic Development 2. All site improvements shall be completed by November 10, 2016, unless extended by the Zoning Administrator, or the permit may be revoked for non-compliance. 3. Brick shall be used in lieu of the burnished block. 4. In order to provide additional screening around the transformer a low wall shall be built along Lagoon Ave on the subject site.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:42:16 +0000

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