From the Montoursville Police Dept: We received a private - TopicsExpress


From the Montoursville Police Dept: We received a private message from a man who helps homeless people send messages to loved ones with whom they have lost touch. He found a man in San Fransisco who is from Montoursville and wanted to send a message to his family. If a family member would like to send a message back please send me a private message with a video or text and I will get it to the organization to give to the homeless man. If you skip to second 58 in the video you will see the message. Here is the message I received Hi Montoursville PD, My name is Kevin Adler, and Im the Founder of HomelessPOV, which helps homeless people share their stories. Last week, a homeless man in SF, Jeffrey Michael Gottshall, recorded a video message for the holidays for his dad, Harold Gottshall, who he said lives in (or previously lived in) Montoursville, PA. Thought Id share this with you in case you know a resident named Harold or know someone who might, and can share this with him. If so, please let me know, as we would like to relay a message back to Jeffrey if we can again locate him. Merry Christmas.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:56:38 +0000

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