From the Old to the New, and From Grace to Glory The Old - TopicsExpress


From the Old to the New, and From Grace to Glory The Old Covenant is an earthly, external system of worship which requires a continual stream of blood from sacrifices due to continual sin, whereas the New Covenant is a heavenly, internal system of worship which brings an end to the continual stream of blood of sacrifices due to the Torah being written in the heart, thus an end to sin. This is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith YAHUWAH, I will put My Torot (plural for Torah) into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. ***Now where remission of these [is, there is] NO MORE OFFERING FOR SIN***. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of YAHUSHUA (Ibrim/Heb. 10:16-19). What Paul is saying here is that if we boldly enter into the Heavenly Sanctuary by the blood of YAHUSHUA, we will be cleansed from sin; thus, there will be no more shedding of blood, for the Sanctuary will be cleansed. Friends, can you see the Old and New Covenants in new light now? Can you see that we are in the final dispensation before we fully enter into the New and Everlasting Covenant? The first dispensation ended at the cross. The earthly system of worship--consisting of the typical blood of animal sacrifices which could not bring remission from sins--came to an end. Yet, did the Old Covenant end? No. We were just one dispensation closer to entering into the New Covenant. We were at the beginning of it. The annual Feasts continue, showing that we are still not fully there..; The Pentecost of 31 AD (the midst of the week) officially began this dispensation of grace, the first stage of entering the New Covenant. We now have a blood--even the blood of our Saviour, YAHUSHUA--that CAN bring remission from sins. Atonement is no longer done through a typical earthly system but is done IN FACT in heaven. Yet sin continues, thus requiring a continuation of His Sacrifice, until the Sanctuary is cleansed... The Day of Atonement in 1844 (the midst of the week) began a changeover dispensation, that we may transition from the New Covenants dispensation of grace to the New Covenants dispensation of glory. This is what we are in now. In the Jubilee year of 1848, we were given the foundational doctrines to bring us fully into the New and Everlasting Covenant. We learned that the Law was to be sealed in our hearts by the one Commandment we were forgetting to keep (the Fourth); and we saw that the Sanctuary was to be cleansed from our sins and that once completed, there would be no more Intercessor making atonement for us for the rest of eternity. We would have to endure a time in these mortal bodies without sinning... Yet that was not the end of all light. The foundation was laid. But in the Sabbatical year that began in the Fall of 1888 we could more clearly see the focal point of us fully entering into the New Covenant: righteousness by faith. This is the heart of the Third Angels Message. We had to see that we could only enter by the faith of YAHUSHUA. Jones and Waggoner taught us that the Word will do what it says if we would not look to ourselves but look to our Saviour as that Living Word, and He will do as He has promised--even cleanse us from all sin. Our prophet said at this time that the Loud Cry of the Third Angel has already begun in the revelation of the righteousness of MASHIACH (Christ), the sin-pardoning Redeemer, thus pinpointing to us this focal point of the Loud Cry so that we dont look anywhere else for it. Yet she said in the next sentence, This is the BEGINNING of the light of the Angel whose glory shall fill the whole earth (1888 Materials, p. 1073)--1,857 years since the Pentecost of 31 AD, and still the BEGINNING of the light that will shine the glory of the Everlasting Covenant Gospel upon the world??? For a few years, there were signs of revival, but by 1894 we chose as a Church to no longer walk in this light. We were in the second 40-year generation of Adventism since the Jubilee of 1848 when the sealing message began to be proclaimed. This generation, as well as a third and a fourth, came and went, for it is written in the Torah, I YAHUWAH (thy) ELOHECHA am EL QANNO (Jealous), visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me (Exodus 20:5). The first and second generations had failed in walking in the light given, thus inhibiting them from receiving any further light. But the Sabbatical year of 2008, when the world economy reached its tipping point, the fourth generation ended. We entered a time of trouble, that will only get worse until YAHacobs (Jacobs) time of trouble. The harbinger came the Sabbatical year before that with the Twin Towers falling on September 11th of that year. The year of 2008 is directly prophesied in Scripture in the 39th Chapter of EzekiEL, where he reveals to us a seven-month (210 literal years) extension to the seven years (2520 literal years) threatened by the Torah (Leviticus 26). And we are now in the first Sabbatical year of this final generation when time must close. We are awaiting the Feast of Tabernacles when YAHUSHUA will appear the second time to bring His redeemed into the GLORY of the Covenant. Grace will have been ended; the filthy will be filthy still (not cleansed in the blood of YAHUSHUA) and the righteous will be righteous still (Rev. 22:11). So knowing of the time that we are living in, what will it take for us to enter into entire rest from our sins, that grace may end and glory may come? What glory began to shine in the Sabbatical Fall of 1888, but then was overshadowed by dark clouds of unbelief, that we could no longer see the light? Our prophet gives us a clue: There is much light yet to shine forth from THE *TORAH* (Law) OF ELOHIM (God) AND THE *GOSPEL* OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. This message, understood in its true character, and proclaimed in the Spirit, WILL ENLIGHTEN THE EARTH WITH ITS GLORY. The great decisive question is to be brought before all nations, tongues, and peoples. The closing work of the Third Angels Message will be attended with a power that will send the rays of SHEMESH TSEDAQAH (the Sun of Righteousness) into all the highways and byways of life, and decisions will be made for ELOHIM (God) as supreme Governor; His Torah (Law) will be looked upon as the rule of His Government (1888 Materials, p. 166). This will bring in the *glory* my friends. We saw its light begin in 1888, but we did not enter in due to unbelief. The third and fourth generations of Adventism bore this iniquity of unbelief from their pioneer fathers. But we are living in a new generation, and ELOHIM is indeed sending us new light. We see from the quote above that it is really the restoration of the Torah that brings this all about. And the Gospel, the highlight of the Torah, is contained within the Torah through the glorious rest of the Fourth Commandment. But, friends, we can only see this when we realize that the whole of the plan of redemption is drawn out in symbols with the ceremonies of sacrifice in the Torah, particularly the ones connected to the Sacred Feasts (as seen in Leviticus 23). THIS IS WHAT ADVENTISM HAS BEEN MISSING FOR FOUR GENERATIONS! THIS WILL BRING US THE FULLNESS OF THE LIGHT! From the Torah we see that there is a daily system conducted by the priests for corporate YisraEL, and a personal sacrifice required for symbolic remission of individual sins; the former does not satisfy the requirement for the latter. This reveals the antitypes: At the cross YAHUSHUA died for all, that all may be cleansed from sin; but in order to receive this cleansing, more blood must be shed. Our Saviour must continually shed His sacred blood until all our sins are cleansed and no longer pollute the Sanctuary of Strength. The blood shed at Calvary does not satisfy this requirement. Then we see that the ceremonies connected with the annual Sabbaths (Lev. 23) clearly delineate the plan or redemption in symbol. MASHIACH (Messiah) became our Passover Lamb--the corporate Sacrifice for all sinners--at the cross of Calvary on the Passover of 31AD. Then at Pentecost of that same year He began officiating as Offerer and Offering for the individual sins committed by penitent sinners. The Torah dictates that this must be completed, and Paul also makes this clear when we properly understand Ibrim (Hebrews) Chapters 8 to 12. Almost all things are by the Torah purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission (9:22). O if we could only understand the book of Ibrim (Hebrews) and not look at it through the veil of Babylonian theology; this is what we must come out of friends! This veil of unbelief in the Torah must be removed; it is keeping us in the Old Covenant of continual sin, requiring continual blood. Glory is deferred as long as grace is abused and not appropriately understood and appropriated! And then comes the Day of Atonement. On that Sacred Day in 1844, MASHIACH (Messiah) entered the Most Holy Place, that the Sanctuary may be cleansed. Yet it is still polluted. We have failed to transform from the Old Covenant to the New, from grace to glory! The great decisive question is to be brought before all nations, tongues, and peoples. It is the Sabbath question friends! And it is more than just the weekly Sabbath. We could not properly keep these Sacred Days until now because we did not understand what the antitypes associated with these Days meant. We could not see that a Lamb still sheds His sacred blood in the Heavenly Sanctuary! We thought He was sitting quietly on His Throne, full of omnipresent powers just as He was before; but instead we are now finding that He has forfeited that forever, and given us His only life blood--even the soul of His life--the Holy Ruach. We are studying deeper the Torah and finding that the antitype of YAHUWAHs (the LORDS) Goat, of the Day of Atonement service, is the Holy Ruach--even our the omnipresence of our precious YAHUSHUA, our one and only Saviour. We now see that He shed forth this (Acts 2:33) by an infinite Sacrifice to sanctify us, so that He could be fully human and justify us with His own human blood in the Heavenly Sanctuary. And thus He is the Bullock. Therefore, we can now understand what YAHUWAHs Goat and the Bullock represent from the Torah--even the double atonement of our Saviour, who sanctifies us with His shed forth divinity and justifies us with His shed forth blood of humanity. We can now see YAHUSHUA as our full and complete Saviour, the fulfillment of the Loud Cry! And keeping the Sacred Days of the biblical lunar calendar testifies that we believe all that He is proclaimed to be. These annual Holy Days are all fused together into the weekly Sabbath. Thus, every week we can now keep the Sabbath in fullness of understanding, which we could not formerly do until this generation as its remnant enter into glory! Thus, the mark of the beast versus seal of EL CHAY (the Living God) question is all what it was proclaimed to be, but we were only on the surface of it. We were blinded to seeing the Torah being fully fulfilled in YAHUSHUA, thus we could not fully enter into Sabbath rest. Our sins have continued, and so has longsuffering Grace. But it is time for Him to be our Glory! He is that Messenger of Revelation 18 whose glory will fill all the earth and usher in His eternal Kingdom. We are His messengers, and He works through us, as MASHIACH is in us, the hope of glory! His own Ruach will shine forth through our lives that He cleanses from all sin. The 144,000 will be fully sealed this generation; as a testimony to this, they will be keeping all of the Appointed Times of the Torah, and the world will make Sunday, Christmas, and Easter laws as a testimony of their allegiance to the beast. The Torah declares the full and final truth, and the prophet EzekiEL pinpoints our generation. And the Psalmist sings... This is the generation of them that seek Him, that seek Thy face, O ELOHE YAH’ACOB (of Jacob). Selah. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and MELEK haKABOD (the King of GLORY) shall come in. Who is this MELEK haKABOD (King of GLORY)? YAHUWAH IZUZ (Strong) and GIBBOR (Mighty), YAHUWAH GIBBOR MILCHAMAH (Mighty in Battle). Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and MELEK haKABOD (the King of GLORY) shall come in. Who is this MELEK haKABOD (King of GLORY)? YAHUWAH TSEBAOTH (of Hosts), He is MELEK haKABOD (the King of GLORY). Selah” (Psalm 24). Who wants to be part of this? Who wants to finish the work? Who wants to come out of the Old Covenant of continual sin and blood and enter fully into the New Covenant of everlasting righteousness (Dan. 9:24)? Seeing that ye have put off the old adam (man) with his deeds; And have put on the new Adam (Man), which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him (Colossians 3:9, 10), Then please, like, comment, and share with your friends! Let MELEK haKABOD (King of GLORY) enter in to His rest, for you, when you are fully cleansed by His double blood of atonement, are His rest! Also, dont forget to watch the video below which airs on 3ABN as a testimony to the world that His Torah is applicable for us today :) https://youtube/watch?v=VMWwEedGLwQ
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:21:52 +0000

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