From the “Thoughts of American Patriots” Facebook Site which - TopicsExpress


From the “Thoughts of American Patriots” Facebook Site which you may want to follow. This video relates to the concerns I have posted over the new Global Trading Currency BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, Communist Chinese, and South Africa Currency], the Bankster Lobbyist sneaking the Derivatives Bailout into the Budget Legislation, how Bank Deposits will no longer be considered Money but Paper Investments agreed upon at the recent G 20 Summit in Australia which will be forfeited for depositors to bail out the banks debts, why the British became the first Western Nation to issue their Bonds in Communist Chinese Currency, and validates what I have repeated relating to how Communist China’s end game is Global Domination over a world that will be ruled under Totalitarian Principles and Not Freedom and Liberty from when the U.S. was the prominent Industrial and Economical force in the World. Just in case you missed it Communist China is now the world’s number 1 Economy which was announced this October. Listen up to how this video connects them and what President Obama intends his legacy to be. It took the last four Presidential Administrations to take us to this dire point in History, but not enough people were willing to listen to the concerns of American Patriots. We The People Been Sold Out! https://youtube/watch?v=JIkd62nsMJY
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 04:20:46 +0000

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