From the UP College of Mass Communication FB page: In the - TopicsExpress


From the UP College of Mass Communication FB page: In the light of the very rampant irresponsible media reporting - reposting - the past week, LET US REMIND MEDIA (AND USERS OF MEDIA PLATFORMS) TO BE MINDFUL The role of the media in suicide prevention is often underestimated. The media have a distinct responsibility in how they report instances of suicide. The fact is, responsible reporting can – and does - save lives. In the same light, irresponsible media reporting increases the risk for suicide. The Mental Health Gap Acton Program recommends that the media: * · Avoids language which sensationalizes or normalizes suicide or presents it as a solution to a problem; * · Avoids pictures and explicit description of the method used; * · Provides information about where to seek help. Preventing Suicide: A resource for media professionals (WHO, 2008) provides the following tips for media professionals * · Take the opportunity to educate the public about suicide. * · Avoid language that sensationalizes or normalizes suicide, or presents it as a solution to problems. * · Avoid prominent and undue repetition of stories about suicide. * · Avid explicit description of the method uses in a fatal or non-fatal suicide. * · Avoid providing detailed information about the site of a fatal of non-fatal suicide. * · Word headlines carefully. * · Exercise caution in photographs or video footage. * · Take particular care in reporting celebrity suicides. * · Show due consideration for people bereaved by suicide. * · Provide information on where to seek help. * · Recognize that media professionals themselves may be affected by stories about suicide.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:00:01 +0000

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