From the Writings of the Monumental Lecture Series “The Time and - TopicsExpress


From the Writings of the Monumental Lecture Series “The Time and What Must Be Done,” The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan writes: The Hour: the “doom” of a people The Hour, “60” minutes and a minute has “60” seconds. What the Hour is referring to as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us is the Hour of the “doom” of a people whose time has come. What a time! Partisan politics is sentencing “democracy” to death Now the confusion that is in our government, where the “Republicans” and “Democrats” can’t seem to agree: Partisan politics is sentencing “democracy” to death. It is those who “run” the country; those who are The Legislative Branch of the country who are supposed to represent the People (their “constituents”)—yet, they are “bought and paid for” by special interests, and by those who control the policies and direction of our government. The American people are not aware of policies that this government has initiated that have turned nations of the Earth into hatred for America! These people don’t necessarily hate the American people, they hate the government of America. “The end of this system of things” “The Time and What Must Be Done”: We know that we are at “the end of this system of things,” we know we’re at the end of this “time,” we know that America is in “decline”—and when America goes down, she takes the world down with her. The economy of the whole world is tied to the economy of America … so as “the dollar” weakens, as the dollar falls, as the dollar collapses: Where will the fiat money of Europe and the world go? Oh, my brothers and sisters, this Time is so serious! But there’s a “Must” here: What is a “must” is that which is necessary, or an essential thing. “What Must Be Done” is Essential to Life itself, and that is a real change has to come! President Obama: The Real Change I must respectfully say to the American people that although you voted for President Obama: He’ll try, but he’ll never be able to do that which will satisfy “the hope” in the people’s heart for The Real Change that is prophesied to come. We should “vote” for Christ; we should “vote” for The Mahdi, we should “vote” for The Messiah, for it is They that have been prophesied to bring in a “New World,” A World of Peace, A World of Freedom, Justice and Equality, A World of Obedience to The Will of God—A World that will give us Joy and Love and Brotherhood. A World where no one will go to sleep hungry at night; a World where all the people that live will be properly educated, and will be free to develop themselves to their fullest potential to use their gifts and skills in The Way of God. That’s The World that is coming in.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:56:25 +0000

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