From the article: Tony Abbott is facing a fight against Australias - TopicsExpress


From the article: Tony Abbott is facing a fight against Australias indigenous, Jewish, Arab, Chinese, Greek, Armenian, Lebanese and Muslim populations, who have united in urging the government not to proceed with announced plans to abolish or weaken race hate laws. As his first legislative act, Attorney-General George Brandis wants to introduce a bill to change sections of the Racial Discrimination Act that protect ethnic groups against hate speech. He especially dislikes provisions that make it unlawful to offend or insult people on the basis of their race. Declaring himself a champion of freedom, Senator Brandis has disparaged the laws used against Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt over an article he wrote in which he accused white Australians of identifying as Aborigines to advance their careers.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 19:49:43 +0000

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