From the campaign of LP Texas nominee for Railroad Commissioner, - TopicsExpress


From the campaign of LP Texas nominee for Railroad Commissioner, Mark Miller: Below is what I sent the Dallas Morning News Editorial Board yesterday, asking them to reconsider their position with regard to endorsement considerations. Their response was that they would not reconsider their policy, but if I shortened the text below theyd consider it as a Letter to the Editor. Why I Deserve to be Considered by the DMN Editorial Board I am one of four candidates on the November ballot for Texas Railroad Commissioner. In early September I contacted the Dallas Morning News asking to speak with their Editorial Board for the purpose of being considered for their endorsement. I was surprised by the response that they would only consider candidates from the two major parties because of a “limited amount of time to conduct interviews”. This response comes at a time when voters are clearly upset with politics as usual and are begging for voices outside the two major parties, for less money in politics, and for increased discussion of issues. The Dallas Morning News’ policy seems to be resisting this trend. Two “minor” parties have qualified to be on the Texas ballot – the Libertarian and Green Parties. Both parties have fought long and hard for ballot access. It has been difficult … and our fight continues. Our next objective, though, is clearly media access. When I sought and won the Libertarian Party nomination for Railroad Commissioner, I knew that winning the position would be a long shot. But I believed (and still believe) that my candidacy could contribute to the public discourse around the many important issues currently facing the State and the Railroad Commission. I believed that a person with my qualifications (PhD petroleum engineer, former U of Texas faculty member) who publicly presented thoughtful positions might at least be seriously listened to. I have produced a number of public statements (some covered by the press) on issues ranging from eminent domain powers by common carrier pipelines to seismic activity associated with wastewater injection to the proposed Denton fracking ban. I am the only Railroad Commission candidate to provide written and oral comments to the Commission on proposed rule changes. It appears, however, that being on the ballot, being eminently qualified, and having clear and thoughtful positions are insufficient criteria for being considered by the Dallas Morning News Editorial Board. Given its role in regulating oil and gas activities in the State, the Railroad Commission is clearly one of the most important agencies of Texas government. It is part of Texas’ plural executive, with heads directly accountable to voters. Being on the ballot every biennium and considering the expected ongoing impact of oil and gas activities in the State, it would seem that an intense debate around the Texas Railroad Commission will likely continue for some time. I hope that the Texas press will be party to these debates. A question for Dallas Morning News readers: What criteria do you believe the Dallas Morning News Editorial Board should use in selecting which Railroad Commissioner candidates to consider for their endorsement?
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 18:07:38 +0000

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