From the comments on the article I posted below: ...the - TopicsExpress


From the comments on the article I posted below: ...the multiracial society is a relatively recent development, and so is the clear dominance of white-dominated societies on international geopolitics. As late as the Napoleonic Wars, Arab muslim countries still raided western European countries to capture white slaves. The first foreign war the US waged was against the Barbary States to force them to stop enslaving American citizens. Second, whites surely have listened, maybe not to the extent you would wish for, but to some degree. Slavery in the western world wasnt abolished by blacks, but by whites who saw the pain and suffering of black slaves and listened to their cries. On another level, women didnt win the right to vote by force, they had to convince the men who had the power to give them that right. That means that men in power did listen to women. Likewise, it was Lyndon B. Johnson and a mostly white Congress, not Martin Luther King, who passed the Civil Rights Act. MLK spoke, and LBJ listened. The culmination of all this listening was the declaration of human rights, a concept that was novel in the world and that came from white-dominated western societies. The idea that everyone is equal and is entitled to rights due to their very existence was considered ludicrous by almost all nations and people all throughout history. Slavery has been present in almost all human societies since the beginning of time, it was practiced by Europeans, Arabs, Chinese, Indians, Native Americans and, yes, even Africans. If anything, whites willingness to take away their own domination on other peoples and nations without being forced to by stronger parties is nearly unprecedented in history. Im not saying there is no problem with race, colonialism and discrimination anymore, not at all, but the whole narrative of whites are the root of all evil, no other people ever did anything near as bad as them is trash.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:15:32 +0000

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