From the forum today: Toast the seven stars from the end of the - TopicsExpress


From the forum today: Toast the seven stars from the end of the first drunken form is where you lean back and punch over the head behind you (for those who dont have the names memorized yet.) Now to look into this level of trainind we have to understand a couple of things first, you have to have the understanding of the boy mechanics and internal that we use in drunken (stand tall like the monkey, bear back, structure and reverse structure, dantien moves first, 6 harmonies follow and for the immortals you should already have an understanding of hollow body, wine belly as well - the hollow body model). If your drunken body method (shen fa) is at this level then you also need to have an external (wei jia) look at things in your training like applications and the four levels fo applications of any movement. 1- obvious use of the movement 2- change direction of the attack, change the hand attacking you, Change direction, 3- What did I miss? Usually you miss a part of the movement when applying it , for instance in the seven stars toast, what can the feet be doing? 4- How can I make this worse for them? Pressure points, horrible qi na, etc etc.... Do the applications meet the criteria of the four types of methods? Ti, Da, Shuai, Na (Kick, hit, throw, lock) Now you are ready to look at the immortals as archetypal was of thinking when applying movements. Mental change creates physiological change and this is where the already working methods of your drunken gain their flavors from the immortals. In this example we will look at the movements toast the seven stars with a basic application of hitting someone either in front or behind you. Lan Cai He will look at the opponent as a toy or perhaps an unruly pet that needs a heavy handed method of play. In this movement the feeling in his body would be light on the feet and very pointed iron filled hands. Zhong Li Quan would throw his weight throw his fists and arch the back more to open the belly for frontal body striking if the opponent was in front, the fists would feel like bags of heavy wine. His movements wild and heavy. Zhong guo Lao uses less effort than anyone else and his body is full and round with power but not fatness like zhong li quan. The focus in the arms would be on the shoulders and releasing the arms completely to be free and heavy like a bag of iron beads wraped in a cotten sack. Li Tie Guai is the most drunken and wild of the eight, his feet would mis step and pull deeply into the earth (legs sweeps and cutting legs). The sphere of power much larger and unrestrained from the body with the arms following the arc over the head. Han Xian ZI would be light and fast, thrusting forward with the hips to create a better back bend and arcing the power over the head more completely. Allowing the power from the uppercut to become downward spiraling force. His feet light and ready to continue moving (dancing on clouds). Cao guo jiu is almost sober and fierce. His movement would be only as bent back as needed to create a linear spiralling force from his body to his hands. His feet seeking the opponents joints to lock and break them. He Xian Gu is the female immortal and has the softest touch the most ephemeral feeling in her body. Her movement would be off the line and not straight over the head but moving through the spaces in the opponents defence. Her pointy elbows, knees and hips ready to engage at extreme close range. She would do this movement closer than any other of them. Lu Dong Bin is the most yang of the immortals and when he unsheathes his sword is instantly lethal . He would be very reserved in hos movements and quiet and if he is much more skilled than the enemy will not kill them but defeat them easily. In this movement this would be a direct and distinct use of most likely the arm break hidden in the elbows. If he is made to unsheath his sword however the refined becomes lines of killing intent. The basic application would be the strike to the throat or eye socket of the opponent behind looking for ren ying to cause heart failure. For an opponent in front this would be driving the fists deep into the body cavitiy with a sharp sword like feeling in the arms (very tight spirals).
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:55:17 +0000

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