From the garden of Eden until now the devil has been busy leading - TopicsExpress


From the garden of Eden until now the devil has been busy leading men to rebel against God and to sin. The best argument the devil can bring to get men to sin is to say that God does not punish sin. To Eve in the garden of Eden when God had said, “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die,” the devil answered, “Ye shall not surely die.” He made Israel believe in the days of Malachi, “It is vain to serve God,” because they said, “They that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered,” and “Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delighteth in them” (Mal. 3:14-15; 2:17). It is the business of the devil to make men believe that sin will not be punished. If the devil can get men to believe that there is no Hell, or that Hell is the grave, or that Hell is only figurative, not a literal place, or that men in Hell will be burned up at once without much pain, or that they will have another chance to be saved, or that, after all, God is too good to send folks to Hell; then the devil accomplishes his purpose, gets men to continue in sin, and so go to Hell. It is the devil’s business to minimise or deny the Bible teaching on Hell. After all, the modern ideas about Hell are just a part of the modernism which denies that man is inherently wicked, denies the deity of Christ, the blood atonement, and the inspiration of the Bible. Instead of direct creation of man, his fall in the garden of Eden, and the depraved hearts of all mankind which the Bible teaches, the modernist believes that man is a product of evolution and is getting better all the time. Instead of salvation by the blood of Christ, an atonement made by the Son of God for sinful men, the modernist teaches salvation by man’s works and character. Instead of a Bible which is the verbally inspired Word of God picturing man as a great sinner doomed to an awful Hell, with salvation offered free by a great Saviour, the modernist follows traditions of men, theories of science and reason. Hell is an unpopular subject. Dr. J.M. Dawson said in 1930 that “the old idea about Hell has faded out and pastors of cultured churches refuse to revive it.” But a man of God who believes the Bible must preach the terrible truth, or he will be to blame for the ruin of those who lift their fruitless cries in a Hell of which they were not warned! A man who believes the Bible and seeks to please God must preach Hell.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 07:40:30 +0000

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