,,,,,,,,,From the heart,,, It saddens me beyond words why - TopicsExpress


,,,,,,,,,From the heart,,, It saddens me beyond words why People take there own lives especially when we where all born with the potential to be great and to help change the course of Other peoples lives for the better as well, This is coming from someone who Has Battled through severe depression then at the end of my Depression Voyage I had the Opportunity to dance with Bipolar, I Was a Boxer with a big Reputation and also had a big Carpentry Business and thought i was on the verge of Getting Minted or being a high Roller as the old saying goes, When i look back I may have very well entertained and looked happy but behind the mask was Really just a scared little boy getting dragged through life being told what to do and how to do it all while helping darken the lives of others by feeding the weeds of my own Unaware Darkness and Negativity, I am only writing this Now because i remember back to A time at the End of 2009 after the whole May Weather fiasco where as i was sitting down the beach contemplating on Killing myself and had no awareness to the words in which i was telling myself I decided to Fake an Injury instead of jumping off a bridge and it has whole heartedly Changed my life for the better I wont go into it all i can say is that Faith has found its way in Allowing me to write these words the whole Five Roller coaster years Later, My Current Present Situation Im happier than i have ever being in my entire life and i have less than I have ever Had, My Happiness comes from something beyond words It could be just Training away in the Lashings of Rain because this time I am doing It for myself Or it could just be sitting up in my Room every night working on the strings and listening to my Own voice as i try reach for Vocals i never knew existed I have trained myself into Awareness and there is No greater feeling in the world in making a Genuine living from helping others do the same The greatest Pleasure in my life is being honest with great People who share there honesty with me and in the same Great way we are Both A great form of Counselling for each other That is Friendship, All I can say to Those who have being Unaware and let depression cover there Light and darken There True PASSION is this Find the courage that we where all born with and do what you truly love daily because when we do what we love daily it can and will soon turn into Excellence without us even realizing it I got Genuine help off a genuine friend in learning how to write like this but not in writing these words that i speak That is Truth, For Reading these words Thank you Sir Or Madam As the Case may be ;)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:53:09 +0000

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