From the heart of Pastor Mark Spitsbergen: "I have never been as - TopicsExpress


From the heart of Pastor Mark Spitsbergen: "I have never been as burdened for my nation as I am now. The social and governmental changes are so anti-God that to say it is alarming is an understatement. The position that so many have taken in the church that justifies sin and worldliness makes what is happening even less of a wonder. Men would hid behind the smokescreens of denominationalism while the word of God is being violated. The common response of "its your interpretation" does not fly in the face of honest evaluation of the word of God. The use of extra-biblical sources to justify beliefs that are different form what the bible clearly says will not stand before the judgment seat of Christ. The life and message of Jesus could not be any easier to understand. The responsibility of every believer to do what God has commanded could not be more absolute. My greatest concern is not for the world but the church. Unless revival takes place in the church there is no hope for the world. The terrible tragedy is that so many have bought into an idea that God is okay with sin. The justification for every kind of ungodliness exist within the ranks of the church like never before and with a "gospel" that says sin is okay there will never be the repentance that brands every revival of the past. We stand in the presence of the Lord and wonder what must be done in order for people to see the error of a post-liberal church. (I believe those who are lost actually see it better than those who say they are born of God.) I have spent the greater part of my life studying the Bible not in an attempt to justify any doctrinal position but in and honest and sincere heart to know what the will of the God is. There is no where in scripture that justifies the position that far to many have taken today concerning the accommodation of ungodliness. I have studied commentaries authored by Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterians, Romans Catholics and the like some even dating back to the 3rd and 4th centuries. I can find no argument giving for a departure from the things set forth in the Gospels and Epistles. Why are there so many champions for every cause but the ones that Jesus emphasized? Who will stand up today and lift up their voice and call a backslidden church back to the simplicity of the truth and the faith that was once delivered unto the church yet, even more who will listen?" (amen Pastor Mark!)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 13:44:12 +0000

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