From the heart the mouth sings praises John 3:5 tells us we - TopicsExpress


From the heart the mouth sings praises John 3:5 tells us we must be born of water and Spirit to enter the kingdom of God, but what is the Kingdom of God and for what purpose do we need to go there? The Word of God tell us this world will pass away in fire, then should we not seek a place to go? When we are baptized in the name of Jesus God himself has cleaned this vessel for the infilling of the Holy Ghost, which gives us power to hear the true Word of God, For when we read the Word of God because it is Spiritually written it must also be Spiritually discerned, therefore as you read and study the Word of God the true and deeper understanding of his Word come to light, one could say it is a aha moment when you are given understanding revelation teaching from God. Everything God has for you is relatively easy to attain, The Word of God tells us we must be born again, and also explains what he means by Born again as Peter tells us also in Acts 2:38, We need to repent and ask the Lord into our heart, an example of repenting can be like this, Father I know I am a sinner for all are born into sin because of the fall of Adam from the Garden, Father forgive me of my sins and Jesus come into my heart and make of me the kind of person I should be, Then because you have done this easy task , you need to clean away your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for no one can come into the Kingdom but by Jesus Christ who paid the price for you to become a Son of God as Jesus himself is the Son of God. Yet God himself from his great love for you came in the flesh to redeem you. The infilling of the Holy Ghost is also easy to attain, you can receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost just by asking for it, you can be in a group of believers or alone, anytime one has received the infilling they we thinking not of themselves but, seeking the face of God in worship, Jesus tells us he does not like vain worship meaning, Vain worship is just repeating words such as I love you Jesus while this is not vain in itself, if it does not truly come from your heart it is vain, for out of the heart the mouth speaks. The same is the song of praises to the Lord, for out of the heart does the praise and song come to the mouth, when you wish t sing and no song you know comes to you, let your heart sing the song, as this with joy from the true heart , Father I sing to you this song from my heart, I may not be a good singer but from my heart I am learning to love you , teach me what I need to know that I may grow and love you as you love me. With a little rhythm let this in your words come from your heart and speak the Words from your mouth, God will lift you up and honor this song from you as though you were the greatest singer of all time because it came from your heart. Now let us return to the infilling Spirit of the Holy Ghost, It is important to speak the words of praise verbally, if you do not is it not just thought? Now the infilling of the Holy Ghost is simple from your heart tell him you wish to receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost, he will search your heart to see if you really want it, he has already made the way easy, it is also important to note when he is searching your heart are you harboring hatred for another who has done you wrong? For is you can not forgive neither will he forgive you. You see he wishes you to have a tender heart that he may teach you in wisdom and understanding , if you are of a heart that is hateful you will not enter into the kingdom not is that heart able to be humbled to receive his Words to you, for this type of heart and thinking is not from God. So go to you place where you can seek the Lord in a closet in an area where only you are with the Lord , Talk to him from your heart as you would anyone you normally talk to , he is easy to talk to. Speak in ernest and say to him in your words from your heart tell him what you want from your mouth and praise him for making a way for you to escape from the Lake of Fire ask him to help you learn to forgive other, if you truly mean what you are saying he will fill you with his Spirit , and as your evidence he will put strange words in you moth and tongue and you will have your evidence of the infilling of the Spirit, you also will feel his Spirit all over you and as you praise him he will continue to cover you with his Spirit and the more you do this the more you will want to be in his presence. Let us Pray, Father we come to you in ernest Prayer for the Souls to learn of you that you Father have come down from your thrown on high and taken on the flesh that none of us could have done alone , nor without your guidance could have ever found a way to be redeemed from the grip of satan, therefore from your great love for us created in your image, you only could be strong enough to help us to overcome the grip of satan and redeem up , Father thank you for your Son who guides us redeemed us and even now in these last hours holds open the doors of heaven inviting us to come to the banquet in Heaven, Keep us strong and growing in you in Jesus name
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:46:33 +0000

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