From the (hypersensitive red-head) ‘canary’ in your - TopicsExpress


From the (hypersensitive red-head) ‘canary’ in your (supermarket) ‘coal mine’. Please read your labels! This is why Im not waiting to grow my own stevia plants in the 2015 garden. They will be going in my winter growing room a.s.a.p. You try to do it right. Eat the natural foods, exercise, get fresh air, etc. So you go to the market and - Zap! What you thought was good food turns out not to be what you expected. Im griping here about commercial stevia. In my cupboards are two brands: Truvia (brand) and Stevia Extract (from Clover Valley). What shocked me early this morning was an article on how stevia was effecting the coordination and causing the early death of fruit flies (link below). Yikes! Research time – now! According to Science Magazine it wasn’t the stevia. It was an additive the manufacturers have put in the Truvia brand of stevia sweetener. The additive is Erythritol and it is the first ingredient in the Truvia brand list, meaning there is more of this additive in your Truvia than stevia! Could this be why the person my nephews one time nicknamed ‘the mountain goat’ for her coordination and climbing abilities fell three times this summer just working around the yard? (Nope, didn’t get hurt). So what about my off-brand? No Erythritol (phew), but wait … the first ingredient is dextrose (a form of glucose). Nearly all dextrose/glucose in the US is made from corn. Hold the phone, I thought I removed all grains from my diet to lose weight (45 lbs down, 25 lbs to go) and optimize my health (BP down from dangerous to 110/68 - see Wheat Belly and Grain Brain) and these stinky manufacturers have hidden grain in my sweetener? Those sneaky Pete’s! Not only that, but also cellulose (filler, also usually made from corn). Really? Come on now! Unless you grow your own fruits and veggies (and watch out for genetically modified seeds here), and know your butcher (thank you my deer hunting friends and real local butchers), then even if you spend a fortune for “real, healthy foods”, you may still be getting contaminated with junk you don’t want. Oh, and it’s no big deal to process your own stevia at home. It turns out to be a green sweetener but, “I’ll take spots on my apples, just give me the birds and the bees, please!” (Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi). Thank you Science Mag. for this alert. I would have preferred you inserted the more complete information listed here, but you’ll do better next time. youtube/watch?v=XJIuP7zEVeM
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:12:50 +0000

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