From the inbox -Alyssa.. please be positive and help her out! - TopicsExpress


From the inbox -Alyssa.. please be positive and help her out! Hi can you post this anonymously. Ive been having a lot of issues with my husband lately and its getting to a point where I dont really know where to go from here. From the beginning, ever since he was at the Nuclear power school in the Navy, his patience ran very short and it became easier to set him off and he usually isnt an angry person. My mother in law called me yesterday to ask me if I noticed any changes in him recently because she had talked to him on Friday and he was cursing and freaking out on the phone about traffic (we live in Norfolk and we both already know traffic is sucky here). His mom is a very proper southern christian lady and she was really upset about how he acted and really freaked out so she said she ended the phone call early to just let him calm down. Then Friday night into Saturday, he stayed up very late, although he had duty Saturday, playing a video game that got him very very angry and caused him to throw his xbox controller several times into the wall and onto the ground and almost break it. Our roommate (his best friend) was hanging out with him but made a point to go to his room instead because he was really uncomfortable around him being that mad about a game. Yesterday everyone made a point to bring it up how theyve noticed hes become very short tempered and it made me think about how bad its gotten lately and that I am really scared for everyone because he swears up and down hed never take it out on anyone and that hes just fine but we all think differently. Just a few weeks ago, he got really mad that I was on my phone checking Facebook when he was trying to tell me something about work and tore the phone away from me and cut my hand on my phone case, and he got so upset that he hurt me and was pretty much in tears because of it and I just kind of let it go but now that Im thinking about things, Im really worried. I just tried talking to him this morning about how everyone is worried about him and he just sat there and scoffed and said we were all overreacting and that we need to let it go and stop worrying about him. I mentioned going to talk to someone to figure out why hes been so angry and he just brushed it off like it was the worst idea in the world. I just dont know what to do anymore and I just need someone to tell me its gonna work itself out. Sorry this is so long :L
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 14:24:20 +0000

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