From the memories of Ramesvara das Prabhu (former Maharaja) - TopicsExpress


From the memories of Ramesvara das Prabhu (former Maharaja) recorded in 1979 (or 1981): “One thing I just remembered from the 1975 Mayapur Festival, a lot of devotees were going to buy books from the Gaudiya Math temples. ‘75 we had a first-class parikrama program. But the Gaudiya Math had set up little book tables at the Bhaktisiddantha Samadhi and the Yoga Pith temple and so on. And devotees were buying all these Gaudiya Math publications and Prabhupada got furious. And he ordered the devotees to never again buy any of these publications or read them. He said, “These are edited by men who are not pure. And therefore we don’t want to hear Srila Bhaktisiddantha’s teachings through them. You can approach Bhaktisiddantha Sarasvati only through me. And so you learn everything about Bhaktisiddantha by hearing from me.” And that was a very strong incident that took place in ‘75. Now, in ’76, I was sitting with Prabhupada on his veranda and he was taking massage and we were talking about the future of our movement in India. And it was at that time that Prabhupada revealed something very wonderful. There was a pleasant breeze at that time, it was just a very wonderful day, very sunny but the nice breeze was coming, very auspicious and pleasant. And Prabhupada was taking massage and was just looking into the future. Prabhupada occasionally did that with me. He would like to tell me things that were going to happen in the future. So at this time he told me that gradually, one by one, all the different temples in the Holy Dham which are operated by the different Gaudiya Vaishnavas are going to fall into disrepair or economic difficulty. And one by one, they’re going to be turning every single one of them over to ISKCON. The day will come, he said, where they will be coming and begging us to maintain these temples. Including the Yoga Pith, the samadhi of Bhaktisiddantha, he named everything. And he included everything. Bhaktivinoda’s house, this was Prabhupada’s prediction. It was a very significant prophecy. And based on that, ISKCON developed a policy towards taking on these temples. And Prabhupada even set up the Gaura-mandala-bhumi Trust to give money… Or a different trust, maybe it’s the Bhaktivedanta Charity Trust, I’m not sure which one it is, to actually take on the maintenance of some of these temples. Baladeva Vidyabhusana: Did he say why? Ramesvara: Because our movement was the real Krsna consciousness movement. We had the potency, we had the strength, we had the blessings, we had the economic to do, all the blessings of the whole disciplic succession was coming down on our movement. So it would be our responsibility to maintain these holy temples in the Dham. No one else could do it. He said they had no potency. Gradually after some time, maybe a few generations, everything would be finished and it would be up to us. And we have to be prepared to take them on. It was an important statement. From Ramesvara-interview (SR V – dd 172-173-174, page 173, 174 & 175)
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 16:15:41 +0000

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