From the office of the Ezendigbo “Ndi Kwe Ndi - TopicsExpress


From the office of the Ezendigbo “Ndi Kwe Ndi Ekweghi” Remember the Bible book of 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Know ye that this in the last days! The presenter of Radio Biafra has continually said that some people are stupid and that they don’t know freedom fighting. According to him, he is educated and knows how to use microphone. With microphone he will finish our enemies inside Biafra. Enemies of Biafra are in Biafra land and he is fighting them to win Biafra because they are enemies within. Yet, these people who he calls enemies within are the same people who came up with the great ideas he stole and ran off with, misusing them to rip off people. Why has he left the real enemies to fight well meaning Biafrans? Feel free to read the Bible book of Matthew 24:3-14. Some people will come and tell you, “I am the Christ” “Look out Biafrans and let no one mislead you” Again, according to the presenter his enemies should be scared because he has his assassins down ready to strike. As he put it, people are going to die for the wrong reason. What is the wrong reason, I ask. Is it “caution my brothers, let us be civil?” I ask the presenter and his followers if they are really meaning us to start a Biafra where blood of innocent Biafrans will flow just because of the lies and arrant greed of one man. I ask the presenter, why labelling well meaning Biafrans who started the struggle for independent Biafra as “enemies of Biafra”? The aim for this is self glorification which is not necessary in this struggle. The enemies are scared of him. Give him only 100 men and he will get Biafra. He sees enemies everywhere. He is without sin whiter that white whiter than snow. As the presenter he claims not to be above God but his utterances speak otherwise. Since he has the right to take life he must be God himself. Anybody who challenged him “Armageddon” mother of all battles. He is not a dictator, but a servant of the people. Touts and those who are tyrants by nature like him love him. Malaysia is capital, Vietnam is administrative head quarters. Director of coordinators that directs direction. Dictating dictator. When he opens his mouth we get Biafra sharp! Sharp! He is the police man: he will arrest. He is the lawyer: he will arraign you. He is the judge: he will judge you. He is the court of appeal: you are as good as dead. He is the firing squad: he will execute you. Mr presenter nobody is scared of your death threats. We all die but once. We will keep saying the truth and will not go back in the struggle for independent Biafra just because you have decided to create confusion in our struggle. Turn away from your arrogance and give Biafrans a chance to fight for their independent in a legitimate and crime-free manner. Biafrans be wise. Go through history all over the world and you will see that violence always breeds violence and that is why we must not go via that route. Here in the western world all this things is illegal and against the law. Both the supporters and those glorified it as well. Please brothers and Sisters who acquired their real professional qualification to be careful where they lead their hand on. “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” so the saying goes. This is what is obvious about you’re so called “Director” of Radio Biafra. If you speak up he will not only kill but crush your entire family. Some touts have been putting it in his head that he is the kind of leader Biafra needs. Whether he is remains to be seen. If this is what all Biafrans envisage their future leader to be like, then I can only but imagine what this dream nation will be like when it is finally actualised. Our so called director has already mapped out those he will kill as soon as Biafra is actualised. And I stop to wonder if “Director” has heard about Idi Amin of Uganda, Sadam Hussein of Iraq and the likes who the “Director” is towing their line. I am totally amazed that some organisations who claim to be fighting for the liberation of Biafra have joined the “Director” in making death threats to anyone that calls for caution about the use of abusive words and death threats. They are threatening to wipe anyone, including their family members, out if their suggestions do not please the “Director”. I stop to wonder again and imagine the kind of Biafra we are looking forward to. Is it going to be a Biafra where the leaders will devout their time in killing and maiming well meaning Biafrans who speak out against individual greed and lack of cooperation among Biafrans? Armed robbery is using arms to rob people of their belongings but I see a different kind of robbery going on whereby our people are being robbed ruthlessly by the “Director”. In my entire life I have never seen where a single individual or group made up of a few individuals impose levy on people without first seeking democratic opinion of the people themselves. Why are Biafrans being intimidated to pay a monthly due of one hundred pounds (£100) running for eight consecutive months? Do not forget what Jehovah told Eli in the Bible book of 1Samuel 1:1-28. As I am the Ezendigbo-Square “Ndi Kwe Ndi Ekweghi” I am obliged to send this information across the globe. The “Director” of Radio Biafra also threatens that anybody that does not pay this amount is not going to be a Biafran and death awaits him and his family. May I point out here that using intimidation and harassment to rip people off their hard earned money is a crime. These young men and women in Diaspora, who are being ripped off, whether they realise it or not, have their families in their homeland who are suffering and need their help too. We do not have to over burden them. We already know what these young men and women are going through in every part of the world where they find themselves. Many of them have no job. It is not easy for anyone. I am certainly not against those who have made it and are willing to donate thousands of pounds every month, which is okay if they wish to. But for those who cannot, why threaten them with death if they don’t. Biafrans are certainly going to get Biafra but not by ripping people off and defrauding our own people. Biafra is our inheritance and we do not have to buy our right into it. My suggestion is that people should be left alone to decide how much they can pay and how long they are able to do this. Do not force these men and women to put themselves in situations just because they want to be in the good book of the presenter of Radio Biafra. My course and the ministry that I received of the Lord, to bear through witness to the good news of the underserved kindness of our Lord bear with you all! Singed sectary general Ezendigbo-Square “Ndi Kwe Ndi Ekweghi”
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 05:00:03 +0000

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