“From the primordial darkness the Gods and Goddesses fell, From - TopicsExpress


“From the primordial darkness the Gods and Goddesses fell, From the womb of the Holy unknown Mother. There abrupt creation sparked all the elements to be formed and the Gods formed with light and the dimensions from these elements, Each God and Goddess spliced there cosmic DNA to formulate the universes. The Gods and Goddesses set in motion to create an evolution of species to live in each dimension. The Gods and Goddesses had created nine dimensions!” stated the Priest reading from the Holy scrolls of the people of the dessert. Qayin listened intently to the Priest, Qayin was made to come to the Temple by his Mother each Sunday were the Priest would read from the scripts and then explain the meaning of what had been said. Qayin become confounded by some of the stories that the Priest would tell, the Priest would preach of things that seemed paradoxical such as love was from the light and evil was found in the darkness. This was paradoxical to Qayin as he clearly remembered that it was from the primordial darkness that all was created even the Gods and Goddesses. As Qayin grew older and could read for himself he found more paradoxical illogical things with in these scrolls, But he also noticed that the followers of the scrolls could not even agree among themselves and most did not even follow the laws of the scrolls. Qayin read in the scrolls that the Gods and Goddesss had even punished faithful followers by killing their families just to test their faith. Qayin even discovered in the records of history that followers of the scrolls had even had wars in the past over who the true Gods and Goddesss were. Qayin could now see many hypocritical and untruths within the scrolls and in the actions of the scrolls believers. Qayin now hated the Gods and the Goddesss and their followers. He thought them ridiculous and no more intelligent than the sheep of the fields and as useful as the sheep’s droppings. Many years past and Qayin was of 16yrs and came across a Wiseman, The Wiseman held different beliefs to those of the people of the scroll that seemed to make sense, Yet it was somehow still related around the light being good and the darkness evil. Still Qayin became an initiate of the Wiseman and after a few years became a Wiseman himself learning the forbidden arts of the woodland people. Yet Qayin found something missing and began searching again, Qayin searched and searched entering into many adventures that all lead towards the same avenues of the light, just by different means. Qayin grew more frustrated of what he felt was merely an illusion, and So Qayin departed society as he knew it and headed into the land of the abyssal dessert , through physical exhaustion and battling the elements of the wilderness after months of wondering from his original home, Drained near to the edge and all of his life force nearly gone, he travelled onwards, his throat dry and his tongue felt like course sand as it grazed and brushed against the roof of his mouth, His lips cracked and deep lacerations where in his lips from after running out of water he was left to drink his own life force by biting his own lips. He had tried to use His ritual athame , on other body parts but the skin on his body had become hard and course as leather due to the exposure of travelling through the abyssal dessert. As the blood from his lip hit the ground, a surging and shaking of the ground erupted and from the black sands of the abyssal landscape emerged a black dragon, The black dragon breathed fire into the spirit of Qayin, Qayin no longer thirsted nor was hungry. The black dragon again breathed more fire into Qayin and gnosis sprang forth, Qayin understood the darkness and the dragon taught all that he knew of the shadow arts unto Qayin. It took Qayin a number of years to learn all the shadow arts from the Black Dragon. The Black Dragon presented Qayin with the Holy scrolls of the people of the dessert, Qayin thought this was a test and destroyed it with flames. The Black Dragon asked Qayin “ Why did you destroy the scrolls”. Qayin replied “Because I hate the scrolls and the damage they have done”. The Black Dragon asks Qayin “The paper scrolls have caused damage?”, “ Qayin look deeper than the humanistic structuring and humanistic action”. “Look inside of me Qayin, and what do you see?” Qayin looked deep inside the Black Dragon and deep inside was the brightest light Qayin had ever seen. Qayin was surprised, The Black Dragon was balanced with light and darkness. Qayin come to the realisation with the help of the Black Dragon that primordial darkness was not something evil nor was light something good, It was duality and each is responsible to balance their own and giving something your hate and anger is giving it your power. Back to his homelands, his society, Qayin travelled. He returned reborn, but not as an child, But reborn in spirit and balanced. Qayin now did not feel anger towards the Holy scrolls of the people of the dessert or there Gods and Goddesses. Whilst he didnt agree with many things with in their religion, he saw that it gave much sanctuary too many people and access to healing there spirit. Qayin understood a new purpose, that he could use his tools and gnosis to bring forth avenues for the wonderer’s, the disenchanted, the rebels for anyone who wanted to find the resources to learn to heal their own souls and spirits. (Archetypal narrative by Drew Starr)
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:37:43 +0000

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