From the raw, spirit-filled praise and worship led by Sipho - TopicsExpress


From the raw, spirit-filled praise and worship led by Sipho Ngwenya (Mhlekazi to I am lost without you) to the eye-opening and thought-provoking sermon by Pastor Macdonald Ndlovu from Botswana. I am high... Just a like a reveller from a club. Just like a druggie after a hit. As much as I am the church and the church is in me but fellowshipping with brethren and listening to teachings but the anointed can never be overruled or substituted. As much as we can cook, we still go restaurants to be nourished upon by chefs. As much as we can wash our cars, we still go to the car-wash. As much as we can workout at home, we still go to the gym. Everything has its headquarters. Joshua 6! The biggest nugget that I took is, sometimes we are our own enemies. When a command is given, we need to take it for what it is. Just like at war, when an instruction is given by a commander, a soldier follows it to the T. Our own intellect is our downfall in most cases. We want to question everything. Case and example, would the Jericho Walls really would have fallen on Day 7 if intellects had been the ones instructed to march around for 7days? Logic would have defied the command and asked so many questions. Walk around the city walls for what *imagining Benny Macks voice*? Why not try to blast the whole thing *Houston, we have a problem voice*? Even worrying about looking foolish to other people. Imagine what the onlookers were murmuring and saying. So many times we move away from our convictions based on what people around us are saying. Or get embarrassed by our convictions because most naysayers have an overpowering spirit. Sometimes intellect and logic should be left out of things. Thats when faith kicks in. I always say faith is just a thin line from sanity. Oh but a faithless life is worse than being accused of being insane. Heres to continuously walking by faith. ACTS 2:1-4... The power of sound! More impactful and powerful than visual/image. This example just took this home to me. We hear an aircraft way before we see it. So many times we lose out on so much by waiting for visual. The guidance and direction comes from hearing the Word yet we wait to see, sometimes when we see it is already too late. We need to tune in our voice recognition system. Then we wouldnt lose out on so much. We need to align/position ourselves for a better signal reception so that we can hear (picture how we move around when on a call and we struggling to hear the other person). We need to let our voices known too. Caller I.D. should not even be needed to be able to identify our voices. Even when praying God should know its Xoli because she spends much time in His presence and in prayer (dont let intellect come in now to say, He should know us nonetheless). Just like loyalty programs, there should be perks right? Or Pastor Ndlovu used the example of voice-recognitions system... Aaaahhhhh well, let me go back to sleep. My spirit is just too pregnant and had to release a bit of this. A bit haphazard and all over the place but I am drunk and sleepy. Heres to blowing the trumpet... Friday night! The night before.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 03:04:36 +0000

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