From the time I started working with dogs there has been an - TopicsExpress


From the time I started working with dogs there has been an ongoing debate in the rescue world. The constant for the debate is whether we save a dog with issues or euthanize it to make room for a one with none. There is no right answer here depending on your point of view or abilities. I have been under fire for saving the troubled dogs because some people believe by me taking that dog and fixing it causes 10 more to be euthanized that have no issues. If I was a rescue maybe I could understand their point of view but the point of the matter is that Im NOT a rescue. I work with troubled dogs for a living, its what i do and its in my blood. I got into this field because I saw what was going on in local town shelters and I wanted to save the lives of the misunderstood dogs. Most not all people dont understand why I do what I do. Im for the underdog and I always will be. If I gave up on a troubled dogs what would that say for my character? It would say I was a quitter, that gave up when the going got tough. Well, thats not me and it never will be. I give dogs a second chance that never even had one to begin with. I will not apologize for keeping families together and more importantly I will NEVER stop helping rescue dogs that are simply misunderstood. Why should a dog die because the evaluator is inexperienced at best and knows zero about behavior. It doesnt make sense to me. People these days are so stuck with their egos that they can not admit when they are out of their league or are just too green to know what to do. Working with dogs is a constant learning curve and it takes years to perfect. Training and saving troubled and DAMAGED dogs is who I am and what I do and that is never going to change. Dogs are not throw away items and until people realize that things will never change. The shelters are over populated because of irresponsible dog owners so if you want to point a finger then there it is. I take pride in what I do and I will not apologize to less knowledgable and ignorant.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 11:35:36 +0000

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