From the time I was TWO YEARS OLD.......... COMMUNISM has - TopicsExpress


From the time I was TWO YEARS OLD.......... COMMUNISM has frightened me................. *********************************************** It should frighten you, too..... *********************************************** Socialism and communism are ideological doctrines that have many similarities as well as many differences. One point that is frequently raised to distinguish socialism from communism is that SOCIALISM .... generally refers to an economic system.... COMMUNISM generally refers to both an economic system and a POLITICAL system.. The means of production are publicly owned in both systems, but the ways that money and resources are distributed are different. In socialism, each person is allotted resources according to his or her input, or amount of work, and in communism, each person is allotted resources according to his or her needs. Many people consider communism to be a higher or more extreme form of socialism.. ********************************************************************** AS for me and mine... I prefer CAPITOLISM..... Capitalism: Under Capitalism, individuals own and control land, capital, and production of industry. Individuals are free to purchase and own their own homes, cars, furniture, and other goods such as TV, radios, computers, boats, or any thing else you might want. You have total freedom to live where you want and what type of job field you want to pursue. If you have an idea for a new business or invention, you are free to pursue this without government interference. Under this system you have the maximum number of choices in life. This is the pursuit of happiness from the Declaration of Independence.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 19:03:00 +0000

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