From the timeline of CoRRECT™ principal co-founder Orion Perez - TopicsExpress


From the timeline of CoRRECT™ principal co-founder Orion Perez Dumdum... To my fellow Filipinos: Rather than many of you getting angry at the AEGIS ad because it compared the Philippines and Malaysia and showed that Malaysia is better, why dont you people just please consider it to be a WAKE-UP CALL for us to all DEMAND that the Philippine Government address all those issues that were mentioned in the ad. Do not get angry with AEGIS. (Here is a link to the video that so many are angry about: https://facebook/video.php?v=10203805783217904) There have been many other ads and videos which compared the Philippines against India and they made the Philippines look better and talked about Indias not so modern infrastructure or Indians thicker accent or whatever. The Philippines came out looking better than India in many of those videos and interviews, but did you see the Indians coming out in full force, brandishing swords and daggers, looking to massacre the BPO executives who said that theyre better off setting up in the Philippines than in India? NO! In fact, many Indian-owned BPO companies even set up shop in the Philippines to create jobs for many Filipinos! AEGIS didnt do anything wrong in that ad. AEGIS talked about facts. MALAYSIA REALLY IS BETTER THAN THE PHILIPPINES as far as pro-business policies, lower taxes, political stability, world-class infrastructure and many other advantages are concerned. And about the natural calamities, the truth is, if we had BETTER SYSTEMS and better leaders and better management, even if we have such issues with natural calamities, we could still mitigate them. Look at Hong Kong and Taiwan. Hong Kong is still an international business center despite being regularly hit by typhoons as well, simply because theyve fixed their infrastructure so that they dont get affected the same way that the Philippines does. Taiwan still manages to be one of the best producers of IT hardware, gadgets and systems despite them getting hit by typhoons every so often. (Heck, even Japan gets hit by Tsunamis and Earthquakes. But they have, for the most part, created solutions that get around those issues.) Look at the problems of the Philippines when it comes to natural calamities: Lousy DRAINAGE systems, lousy management of search and rescue operations, lousy relief operations, etc... Thats all MAN-MADE! Those are the results of blatant mismanagement! Those are problems of the Philippines that were CAUSED BY FILIPINOS -- ordinary Filipinos and Filipino leaders alike! (And no less than by that most corrupt and incompetent buffoon, NOYNOY AQUINO, who loves to smile on global television even if people die due to his stupidity, mismanagement, and inaction!) Rather than getting angry at AEGIS, use the stuff in that video as ammunition against the inept Noynoy Aquino-led Government and use it as proof that the 1987 Constitution is a lousy and defective document that needs to be revised and reformed ASAP! Stop blaming AEGIS for telling the Truth. This is a wake-up call! Hold the Philippine Government to account for its faults! That AEGIS VIDEO is a perfect wake-up call to get Filipinos angry at the Government who failed to make the business environment more friendly towards foreign investors, make the peace-and-order situation more secure and safe, and invest in dredging and/or other infrastructure development that would have prevented the flooding that we keep experiencing every time typhoons and/or heavy rains happen. I repeat... DO NOT BLAME AEGIS... Instead: Blame the 1987 Constitution. Blame the Noynoy-led Government (Noynoy doesnt want to reform the 1987 Constitution) Take responsibility, Filipinos! We can fix the Philippines only if we direct our anger not at the people who were telling the Truth, but instead if we properly direct our wrath only at those responsible for why the Philippines is such a pathetic sh1t-hole: THE OLIGARCHS AND THE LOUSY Noynoy Aquino smiling-dog GOVERNMENT! Spread the word, and get the Government to account for the lousy situation!!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 10:11:57 +0000

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