From this guinea pig experience I have gained more insight on my - TopicsExpress


From this guinea pig experience I have gained more insight on my children. When the day comes that my children have to put me away in a nursing home, these are the reactions I expect... Ben: Will be cracking jokes about my new vacation home, asking how the food is at the neighborhood restaurant, and saying that maybe I can pick up some good looking guys in the PT room. Anna: Will be crying her eyeballs out as we unpack my boxes, every time she walks into my old home, or whenever she sees commercials of elderly people advertising things like Depends. She will probably go through all my old photos and make a framed collage of my life, to hang in room. Emily: Will be businesslike and brusk. Shes probably going to be the one to research the best nursing home facility, and she will interrogate all the staff and ask to get copies of my health reports. She will be slightly annoyed at the fact that Anna is weeping all over me before I am dead, and she might even get a little snippy with people. Shell go home and cry while watching home videos. Caleb: Caleb will wander into my room and say, Hey. This is nice. Then hell wander away again. People will ask him what he did on Saturday and he will very matter of factly tell them that he put his mom in a nursing home that has chocolate milk in the cafeteria, then he will spend twice the amount of time talking about the latest Lego set that was released that weekend.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 00:14:19 +0000

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