From your host Ron Mayer, March 7, 2014: On our Sovereign Self - TopicsExpress


From your host Ron Mayer, March 7, 2014: On our Sovereign Self Blog Talk Radio Show, both Marin and myself have stated that we believe 2014 will be a huge year for Change in our world. That between now and 2017 the world as we know it today will not exists and the changes will be very dramatic. Today many people are stating/ predicting the same kind of changes. There is one such person, Courtney Brown, director of the Farsite Institute (REMOTE VIEWING) who has been posting periodic announcements on his Facebook Page, surrounding one such announcement that will be “Paradigm Changing”. Courtney Brown, Director of the Farsite Institute, has finally come through with a definitive date when this “earth changing announcement” will be made. His statement also mentioned that life on Earth would change significantly on that day. A mystery that has confused our civilization for thousands of years will find an answer. And from that answer, a new direction for the future growth of our species will arise. - Courtney Brown He also said, - It does not relate at all to earth changes or the end times. - That the ETs will not land. - That the Earth will not shake. - That US President Obama will not reveal... whatever. He said the announcement would be much bigger than all of those things. time, people will eventually understand that the entire development of our species was fundamentally altered on that day in February 2014 - Courtney Brown Many of us believe the announcement will revolve around our Human Origins (includes possible extraterrestrial relation). Or our ET ancestry! It will be on the Ides of March (March 15, 2014) Note: Full Moon is the 16th of March. Courtney Browns Implication Posting #14: An announcement that will explain the past and positively influence the future development of Human Civilization on Earth will be made on the Ides of March 2014. Courtney Browns Implication Posting #15: The significance of the Ides of March is not that Julius Caesar died, for Caesar was but a man, and all men die. Rather, the date marks the end of an era of belief that the corruption and tyranny of the existing system of governance was unchangeable. That is still what the Ides of march stands for today, a date reminding all who live on this planet that no set of beliefs stands forever. Revolution never requires violence, since there is plenty of violence that does not bring revolution. Revolution has only one meaning; it is a rapid shifting of beliefs among the masses, which means that the practiced thoughts of the past stop, and new thoughts replace the old. Once a year, the Ides of March stands as our reminder that we have within us the power to change the way we think. Courtney Browns Implication Posting #16: Remember that the leadership of a country always reflects consciousness of the people. There are no exceptions to that, regardless of whether the leadership is virtuous or dastardly. Contemporary physics on Earth does not fully explain why this is so, although pieces of the puzzle are in clear sight if scientists would only connect the dots. Nonetheless, it is a consequence of universe law, whether one understands why it is so or not. For this reason, it is never useful to be angry at the nations leadership, for the people truly do shape their own destiny regardless of who leads them. If you want to change the world for the better, the only thing that will work is to introduce a new idea to the people with clarity and focus, and then let it spread. The leadership will adapt to the new idea only when the people accept it. All we can say at this point is “We shall see just what happens next Saturday March 15th! Thanks...
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 23:13:26 +0000

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