Fron the article - Who is the Enemy? Leftists and - TopicsExpress


Fron the article - Who is the Enemy? Leftists and Islam Islam itself is the all devouring monster which was set loose upon this world in the form of an illiterate and insane merchant scammer, thief, liar, pedophile, and murderer who lived over 1,400 years ago in the deserts of Arabia. There is not much more that can be said than that. Most who read this article will already know this to be true. It has been said by someone else that although not every Muslim is a terrorist, almost every terrorist has been a Muslim. Islam seems to be something that appeals to the worst possible creatures to be born among human populations. Islam justify and legitimize the most evil that exists in the very deepest and darkest depths of the Human soul. Perhaps part of the reason that Islam appeals to such a massive amount of people found in the middle east in Muslim Countries is because of the instructions of Muhammad approving and actually encouraging first cousin marriages. History and medical science have proved that the practice of inbreeding literally contributes to the creation of criminally insane offspring from such practices as well as an entire host of physical birth defects. As generation after generation of Muslims have engaged in this practice of first cousin marriages and a high rate of births among Muslims, well this is the end product. A society of Monsters who are now a major threat the entire world and particularly to any and every society they are allowed to enter. Anyone with the misfortune to have been born into a Muslim society is forbidden by penalty of death to study any other religion, so Islam is in fact all they have ever known. Islam and Sharia Law, they really are inseparable and to be a good Muslim means that you accept Sharia Law. Those of us who have studied Islam know that Islam is not only a Religion, it is a way of life and it is a system of Government. Of course those of us who grew up in one of the Western Societies knows that Muhammad was an insane man and it was not GOD who spoke to him, but something very evil communicating to him from the Dark Side. Now everyone should know and remember always that the Rights of Man were given to man when GOD created us, he gave us FREE WILL. The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights were secured for us by the Founding Fathers of the American Republic known as the United States, but these were rights that had already been bestowed upon us by GOD when he created us. Or for those who do not believe in GOD, then certainly they must agree that it is natural for us to enjoy free will as long as it does no infringe upon the rights of others. In Islam there are no rights of man as we know of them, the only right you possess is the right to submit, surrender and enslavement because the alternative will be death. The very definition of the word itself is a very accurate depiction of what Islam is. The word Islam in Arabic means submission or surrender or enslavement. Does that really sound very appealing to the western Mind? Now the Muslin Clerics and Scholars try to convince the Christians that the word originates or derives from root words meaning peace and safety. Well that is bullshit and people need to remember that according to the instructions of the Quran it is perfectly acceptable to lie to those they refer to as the Infidels. In case you don’t know it that means the Christians, Jews, Hindu, Buddhist and anyone of the other Religions on the planet. For anyone born into a western Society, it is absolutely ludicrous to willingly convert to Islam. Certainly a sign of a mental disorder.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 02:14:05 +0000

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