Fru Ndi at T. B Joshua (The Post Newspaper) SDF National - TopicsExpress


Fru Ndi at T. B Joshua (The Post Newspaper) SDF National Chairman, Ni John Fru Ndi, has admitted that he visited the Nigerian preacher, Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua aka TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of all Nations, SCOAN, and handed to him the flag of Cameroon. According to Fru Ndi, his visit was to urge TB Joshua to pray and avert a looming war in Cameroon. “I handed Cameroon’s flag to TB Joshua,” Fru Ndi said. The SDF leader promised that he will soon be heading to South Africa to meet another popular Nigerian preacher, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of the Love World Ministries, for the same reason. Fru Ndi made the disclosure during a National Executive Committee, NEC, meeting of the party that took place in Bamenda on Saturday, January 25. The Chairman’s disclosure comes at a time when the press is awash with reports about his secret trip to the Nigerian Prophet who the Cameroon Government had practically blacklisted and went as far as cautioning its citizens to steer clear of the man and his Synagogue Church. However, Fru Ndi, 73, said “the reason for going to TB Joshua the second time was for the Prophet to pray and invoke God to save Cameroon from collapsing because the whirlwind of uprising and devastating civil strive in Central Africa, Chad, Nigeria, and others could befall Cameroon.” To him, Biya has not assumed full responsibility as an elderly Head of State in Central Africa as he has failed to dash to these warring countries to sue for peace. He also criticised President Biya for boycotting the funeral of Nelson Mandela. Meanwhile, NEC shelved the issue of joining the CPDM Government, which it was expected to discuss. Also, the case of two “dissident Mayors of the party”, of Tubah and Kumba II, was downplayed, as nothing was mentioned regarding their fate. NEC created a commission to study the possibility of constructing a National Secretariat for the party in Bamenda or Yaounde. The party, nonetheless, focused its attention on the gains it made at the September 30, 2013 twin elections, hinged on regional reports. NEC hailed the Northwest SDF under the leadership of Hon. Evaristus Njong, for topping the chart at both Legislative and Municipal elections. Fru Ndi called on other Regional Chairmen to meet Njong for lessons on how to succeed. New Year wishes crowned the occasion. First published in The Post print edition no 01500 Comments Actually, its the people that need deliverance from demons so that righteous justice can prevail in our country. Were all possessed by demonic spirits that are now using us as a tool to achieve that demonic desires. If were delivered from all these demons in us, we begin to see exactly what were supposed to do. We all have gone astray, erroneously believing were doing the right thing. We blame our leaders for all the hardship and injustices in our country...actually, its the demonic spirits in them, using them to perpetuate hardship and injustice on the people. Deliver them and they will be very good leaders. Not only the leaders, every body needs deliverance. Posted By : Moi Moi | Jan 30 2014 This shows the real image of our so called leaders. They run to cultist and self proclaimed prophets instead of listening to their subjects. What a shame. Posted By : ebesoh | Jan 30 2014 Listen to someone who considers himself a leader, going to tb joshua and not even being ashamed to say it in public. If this is how he intends to rule then i wish biya numerous years in power because this fru ndi man is worst than biya himself. A power hungry man he is, he always wants things to go his way or else you are expelled from the party. The main reason why sdf suffered heavy losses in NW is all because of his greed and the fact that he decided to run for senatorial elections. I am extremely happy he will never be president otherwise this man will run the country underground and take us 100years beyond civilization. He is the one who needs deliverance the most. Talk of greedy leaders, here is one running to ask tb joshua who hasnt prayed enough to release nigerians from boko haram in the north and delta boys in the south but he is asking him to pray for Cameroonians as if we need him. What nonsence. Ni john abeg take yourself to your ntarikon residence and be quiet please. Posted By : Johny Mbeng | Jan 30 2014 Mr.imaginary Head of State! That is why you are a dreamer. TB Joshua is yet to pray for Nigeria to be saved from Boko Haram, and you want to pray for Cameroon? The Washington Post asked it very succinctly in 1990, if he cant manage a party, can he govern a country? You have really fallen flat on your face this time. So you cant tell a con man from the lot of the bible totting gangs running around? We are doomed. Posted By : Kwomboh47 | Jan 30 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------- Remember, Oh man, that you are dust. And unto dust you shall return. (Memento homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris)
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:44:44 +0000

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