Fruit Of Success - Loving The Last, Least, And Lost There are - TopicsExpress


Fruit Of Success - Loving The Last, Least, And Lost There are many among us who are poor, weak, and disadvantaged. Tonight as we sleep in the comfort of our beds, many will cry themselves to sleep. Many of the elderly and children will go to bed hungry and wondering if they will pull through the night, let alone survive another day. Planet Earth is sick. We have been strangling Earth for so many years and killing the essence of what will keep it alive. Some people have predicted that it may not even last beyond our generation. How can we resolve these challenges? Governments cannot resolve these problems because politicians are dependent on popular votes. There are limitations to what they can do and achieve. Universities and other educational institutions cannot fully address these issues because they are focused primarily on the pursuit of knowledge. It is not in their charter to implement solutions for social and environmental problems Charity bodies have been around for thousands of years. They cannot offer a sustainable solution because they lack talents, money and other resources. To resolve these challenges, we need a fourth key – every one of us. When the people sector works closely with the public and private sectors, we can overcome these challenges. If every one of us join hands together and do our part to spread more love, compassion and kindness, we can make our world a better home. We can also inspire a new generation to put right all the wrongs in society. We can leave behind a better world for our children and our children’s children. In the past, I have given myself excuses that I was too busy. I needed to focus on doing well and then, I would do my part in doing good. I would start when I have made enough money and achieved success. I was wrong. I can still give back to society even as an employee or while running a business. I can learn to become more productive and get better results so that I can do more for the least, the last, and the lost. Over the years, I have done my small little part in helping the needy and giving back to society. I have been active in supporting many charitable, philanthropic, and humanitarian causes. I have provided leadership and advisory services to charities, civic organizations, professional bodies, grassroots, and other non-profit organizations. I have contributed to poor orphanages, schools, communities, and other charity projects. At the same time, I have supported relief efforts for victims of natural and other crises. I have founded more than three charity initiatives and am still actively involved with them. I have also personally gone on overseas missions to conduct leadership and social entrepreneurship bootcamps and provided other humanitarian services. I have been actively involved in raising funds for different charities. In the process of fulfilling worthwhile causes, I have helped to set 4 national records in the Singapore Book of Records and one record in the Guinness Book of World Records. I have donated thoughts, time, talent and treasure (including money) to help the weak, needy and disadvantaged live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. I want to continue to support worthwhile causes and make it an integral part of my life. I aim to do well in my business and to do good at the same time, all the time. They say we should never tell others about our contributions to charity. Hence, I thought for a long time whether I should write this Love Note and if it will have a negative response. The stubborn side of me decided to go ahead because I feel it is important to share it with you as a fellow member of the human race. I have no intention to do it for self-praise or vain glory. I hope to be able to inspire you to join me to help others lead a better life and to do whatever we can to make our world a better home. There are so much needs in society and even as you are reading this Love Note, there are calls for help coming from different parts of society. I cannot do much alone. However, together, we can do so much more and achieve much better results. It is a universal law promoted by every major religion that we should always be involved in social contributions. From my experience, our Creator will never shortchange anybody. Our Creator will always give much more back to us. He will bless us, our loved ones, and our business. Obviously, we should never give and expect anything back in return. We can start simply. How about 15 minutes every week to encourage a needy person? How about drinking one less soft drink per day and donate the savings to charity? How about sharing your talents and resources for a good cause? Together, we can start a revolution! One act of kindness at a time, one person at a time, one day at a time, one community at a time… Someday, in the not so distant future, our childrens generation will point to our generation and say, “That’s the generation that started a revolution of love. As a result, they eradicated war, violence, and other challenges. Poverty became history. These people started to inspire each other to greatness. A new age of love began…”
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 14:52:57 +0000

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