Fruitful in All seasons The lord has made you a tree planted by - TopicsExpress


Fruitful in All seasons The lord has made you a tree planted by the rivers of water, and now you bring forth fruit in every season; your leaf also shall not wither and you prosper in everything you do. There is something about you that initiates productivity. When all hope seems lost, the power of God starts to bubble inside you and the desired change is effected. You know the time to pray more, you know when to stir yourself up from within by the Holy spirit. God has fashioned you in such a way that you’ll blossom in winter, spring, autumn, & summer, you will not know dry seasons. You are unperturbed by the “ winter of life” for you know what to do. You were made to be productive in all seasons, YOU WERE BORN FOR ALL SEASONS. “And I will make thee exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee” (Gen 17 : 6). This scripture was once a promise the lord made to Abraham but is now fulfilled in you through Christ Jesus. So you see, God has invested so much in you, because HE delights in you. It’s time to burst forth, blossom and bring out your beautiful flower. Joshua and Caleb refused to observe there situation as ordinary men, for they were covenant minded. Thus, every others saw the giants as stumbling blocks, they saw them as bread. You were made to triumph in every circumstances, so don’t let the devil deceive you. The seed of God is in you & it’s a seed of fruitfulness & productivity. Yes that problem is bread for you because you were born for all seasons. Hallelujah!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:15:44 +0000

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