Frustrated Rant of a BJP Supporter As an average frustrated - TopicsExpress


Frustrated Rant of a BJP Supporter As an average frustrated Indian citizen I am looking forward to oust the anti-national Congress during the soon to be conducted Lok Sabha Elections. Since I care two hoots about the beaten to death Secular Vs Communal boring bogie, I should be looking at the principal Opposition Party, BJP led by the most popular Leader at this time, Mr. Narendra Modi as the logical alternative. If Mr. Narendra Modi would have been in any other party with even half of his current popularity in any part of the world, then that party would have ensured that they utilize his popularity to its fullest potential and would have gone for the kill. But wait!!! Our Principal Opposition Party, BJP is a Party with Difference. So, they look for ways and means that will help either Congress to continue in power by paving way to create new flotsams like AAP or provide sustenance to existing Conclone parties like, NCP, SP, BSP, TMC, RJD, TRS and so on. BJP’s opponents often associate Saffron as a colour with BJP, so I sometimes wonder whether their strategy is based on Saffron’s actual connotation “renunciation of worldly pursuits”. Nothing else explains their bizarre stand or position on any issue be it their support to feather brained schemes like FSB, or lack of support to an ideological issue like political parties under RTI scanner. Every time they get a WIN opportunity, they amazingly turn it upside down and instead offer themselves as sitting duck. Be it Delhi’s CWG, Mumbai’s Adharsh or any other issue, they have managed to be ineffective in letting the CM’s of these states off the hook. Instead, they sacrificed their Karnataka CM heeding to the cacophony of suspect media voices in the quest of some imaginary moral high ground. And we all know after their idotic moral high ground, where they landed up in the recently held Karnataka Assembly elections. This “Sitting Duck” mentality also explains their utter confusion and lack of strategy to uproot the Congress from the Centre and pave way for their rule under the leadership of Mr. Narendra Modi. The reason for my frustrated rant is that it has been almost two months since Mr. Narendra Modi has been made Campaign Committee Chief for the forthcoming Lok Sabha Elections and Assembly Elections for five states. Till now, you do not see any urgency to take on the Congress in Maharashtra, Delhi; SP/BSP in UP and JDU/RJD in Bihar. (I am leaving out Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh since they are under the control of their regional satraps Vasundhra Raje, Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Raman Singh respectively and in the worst case, at least you can hold them accountable for the BJP’s performance in those states.) Maharashtra: The Cong-NCP rule is on its third consecutive term and must be one of the most corrupt and ineffective government in the country. But does that make BJP anywhere even close to winning? Don’t make me laugh. They have run their politics so pathetically these last 15 years that they are still pondering on the question of its continuing with its existing ally Shiv Sena or to ally with MNS. And this Changu Mangu (SS/MNS) duo provides frequent comic reliefs by giving unsolicited tidbits on their choice of PM candidate, if an almost extinct NDA comes to power. Did you say PM? Are you not supposed to win seats to have your choice of PM? But these sort of questions only trouble ordinary dolts like you and me. You see, BJP + SS/MNS combine operates in an immortal environment where there will be endless debates about imaginary PM candidate without worrying about mortal facts like actual winning of seats. So most likely Maharashtrians can look forward to a 4th term of Cong-NCP rule. Delhi: You can imagine the pathetic situation of BJP in this state by the fact that a verified Naxal commie and his assorted cronies called AAP is actually the principal opposition party. At least, that’s what the sound and fury in the Socail Media would have you believe. So why did BJP come to such pass in the power center of India which is represented by all the BJP heavyweights (both figuratively and literally) comprising Arun Jaitely, Sushma Swaraj, Smriti Irani, Meenakshi Lekhi, and of course I forgot, Vijay Goel, the “alleged” Delhi Chief of BJP. All these worthies (except Vijay Goel) will be found in English News TV studios contributing to the noise pollution unleashed day in and day out by the prejudiced/incentivized Anchors and paid brokers masquerading as spokespersons from other parties. If all these heavy weights had spent even one tenth of the time on actual ground work instead of TV studios, they would not be in such a pitiable condition of playing second fiddle to a party like AAP. It is pertinent to mention here that Mr. Arun Jaitely shared stage with Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal before AAP was actually formed. Probably AK thought if AJ can be a leader of a political party why can’t he? The contribution of these heavy weights to BJP has been such that Congress under Shiela Dixit is ruling Delhi for the 3rd term and her son is probably looking to head the 4th term. And these heavy weights (AJ and SS) think themselves as “national leaders” and potential PM candidates encouraged by the endless machinations of the Old Fossil in the Party. If you have not died of laughter at least you will die of irony. Talk about illusions and delusions. Uttar Pradesh: If by some divine intervention (Not Lord Ram of Ayodhya), Mr. Rajnath Singh will stop his out of the blue ramblings about dangers of English and actually let Mr. Amit Shah do what he is supposed to, then may be (a very hesitant may be) there could be a slim chance. Of course, apart from Mr. Rajnath Singh, the divine intervention has to also work on potential utternaces of Mr. Varun Gandhi, Mr. Murali Manohar Joshi , Mr. Vinay Katiyar and other sundries. Else, after elections they might once again blame either SP/BSP for hijacking their agenda, never once questioning why they are such “Sitting Ducks” that they let their opponents hijack their agenda in the first place. Bihar: As far back as I can remember, (which is at least 20 years), there are these BJP worthies viz., Ravi Shankar Prasad, Pratap Singh Rudy, Yashwant Sinha and not to forget Shotgun Shatrugan Sinha. The achievements of these worthies cannot be underestimated. Single handedly, under the Old Fossil’s senile encouragement, they ensured that their junior ally JDU gain prominence at their party’s cost and nurtured a known backstabber like Nitish Kumar to catapult as Chief Minister. Sky is the limit as far as their limit to stomach their daily quota of insults from their ally, JDU. All the subtle efforts of JDU (by virtually barring the most popular leader of BJP from campaigning in Bihar) to dislodge BJP from their alliance bore fruit only when JDU openly showed the door. Even then, these BJP Bihar worthies made last-ditch attempts to cling to the door but a last push by jealous Niku put paid to that efforts. Now Bihar BJP is staring at coming either second or third after JDU and RJD. And yes, there are PM ambitions amongst these worthies as well in recognition of their stellar service to the growth of the party in this state. Karnataka: If you are suddenly blessed with a lottery, what would you do? You will ensure that you will invest the money carefully and wisely and wait for it to give you returns. But then we are not discussing about normal mortals, we are discussing about BJP. So in a true spirit of renunciation as soon as they were blessed with people’s mandate and got a chance to rule the first southern state, they squandered the mandate in as many innovative ways as possible, including resort touring of elected MLAs as a side occupation, forcing their most popular leader to resign and quit BJP in response to don-quixotic imaginary wars, played musical chairs for selecting CM and ultimately paved way of Congress gaining a thumping majority. If wiser counsel prevails and the estranged leader returns, there could be at least a fighting chance. But on the other hand, if the heavyweights from Delhi once again decides to bestow their divine glance in this state’s direction, then Congress can be assured of a handsome number of Lok Sabha seats from this state. All the above listed states are supposed to be the states where BJP has some foothold and the so called National Leaders are expected to get votes for realizing their endless PM wet dreams. We are not even looking at other big states such as Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala, West Bengal, Odhisha, where BJP is a non-player. That begs the next question. Why are these states still out of reach for BJP? What are the BJP worthies, heavy weights and national leaders have been doing to break new ground? Therein lies a sub story i.e. the media management of BJP. Media mismanagement: Even a non-political dummy like me understands and realizes that to break new ground you have to create noise in regional channels which commands voting audience and not the 1% audience of English News Channels. But then again, I have to boringly repeat myself, it’s the BJP we are talking about. But even to appear in those English Channels, how does BJP select their Spokespersons? I mean, you would imagine that a party that has its resonance and vote banks mostly from educated class, would see to it that the basic skill of being articulate will be checked when they select a spokesperson. Otherwise, how would you explain Chandan Mitra, Prakash Javedkar, Siddharth Nath Singh and Ravi Shankar Prasad being selected as Spokespersons? It’s a daily torture to see them meandering, spluttering, stuttering and clawing their way to make a point for the question lobbed at them by the prejudiced and often incentivized MSM anchors and other assorted dalals masquerading as spokespersons from various other parties. If not for their speaking skills, then what are the other fascinating qualities do these worthies possess? The only thing that can be said in their defense is that they are probably very nice people but most emphatically not cut out for public speaking. Okay, now at last the conclusion. What is the point of my frustrated rant? I wanted to make a humble attempt in showing the mirror to BJP as to what is their standing state wise and that there is real danger of UPA 3.0 coming to power with probably even more number of seats. If that happens, we would definitely know who to blame but then after Loksabha 2014, the Comedy that BJP is now as a principal Opposition Party might go out of existence and will be restricted as a state party only in Gujarat. And our beloved NAMO? Well he can continue to conduct Vibrant Gujarat Summits as Gujarat CM after 2014 as well.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 08:12:45 +0000

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