Fuel: The price of transportation has gone up dramatically. The - TopicsExpress


Fuel: The price of transportation has gone up dramatically. The price of gasoline has risen a staggering 294% over the past 10 years. That’s right – 294%!!!! This, of course, affects anything that must be transported, which is, well….pretty much anything. If your food comes from another country or continent, you can add high fuel prices to the cost of that item. If your television was made in a factory on the other side of the globe, tack on some extra transit charges. This one item – the price of fuel, is the catalyst that is making the price of everything else increase. Food: Furthermore, if you are a commuter, the price of getting back and forth to work is higher. So again – you are paying more for the basic essential supplies you need to live your life in your current fashion. The price of food is climbing, and doing so rapidly. Significant increases have occurred over the past two years, particularly in truly healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as organic products. Deceptively, package sizes are getting smaller (or are staying the same size but containing less food). The price, however, remains the same as before, in an attempt to trick consumers into believing that prices are not actually rising. Apparently, 12 ounces is the new pound and 3 quarts is the new gallon. Utilities: Utility rates are climbing, making it increasingly difficult for struggling families to keep the lights on and the temperatures pleasant. The Commerce Department said consumer spending advanced 0.2 percent last month after a 0.7 percent rise in February. The increase, which beat economists expectations for a flat reading, was driven by higher spending on services as outlays on utilities posted a second straight month of hefty gains. Spending on goods, a key measure of underlying demand, fell. “Utilities made up a pretty decent chunk of spending,” said Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody’s Analytics in West Chester, Pennsylvania. “When you extract from that, spending was less than impressive in March. The economy is slowing.” (source) The prices of electricity are rising dramatically. Customers have been warned that they will face increases. Smart meters have been installed nearly everywhere. Many places are instituting time-of-day pricing, making it only affordable to do your laundry in the middle of the night. Part of the reason Americans are facing higher prices is President Obama’s War on Coal. (In his own words he promised to bankrupt the coal industry.) If Obama can’t close down power producers through the front door, he does it through the back door, via the EPA. Even though the climate change theory through CO2 emissions has been completely debunked, the EPA is still passing draconian laws to reduce our “carbon footprint” and thus raise the prices on power. Obama has shut down 8 coal mines across 3 states, and he and his buddies at the EPA have plans to scale back production at over 200 coal-powered plants via a regulatory assault
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 23:18:42 +0000

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