Full Moon@18 degrees of Aquarius: 10th August 6.10 PM UT, 11th - TopicsExpress


Full Moon@18 degrees of Aquarius: 10th August 6.10 PM UT, 11th August 4.10 AM AEST. We have come to the time of the month again when the Moon is almost at her fullest-this time in the sign of Aquarius. Now, before I go any further, I would like to address the term “Supermoon.” I have done this in the past, and I will do it again now. Adding “super” to a word gives the impression that there is some special quality to behold, or that the subject that we are talking about is better than something else. The word “super” has many definitions, among some of them are: excellent, superb, magnificent, wonderful, splendid etc…. Now, I am by no means saying that the Moon is none of these things-in fact, I think she is all of these things anyway-but to imply that something is superior or better than because it is bigger than usual, really irks me. Here’s the deal. When the Moon is closest to the earth, the term is known as Perigee. When the Moon is farthest from the earth it is known as Apogee. The Perigee moon is usually related to higher tides and more gravitational pull, while the Apogee Moon is related more to lower tides. Does that mean that we should call the Apogee Moon an Unsupermoon, even if it’s in an intense sign such as Scorpio?? I think not! How the Moon affects us depends on many variables such as the sign that she’s in, how sensitive we are to energy, and how much we’ve been hanging onto. Some full moons can pass with little to no effect, while others will be felt days before she becomes full. So while the Moon being closest to the earth can definitely have a stronger effect on us, I still don’t think that the term “Super” is always an appropriate term to use. I think the word intense is a much better fit! I have seen many posts appearing about the Supermoon and all of its amazing powers, and quite frankly I am gob smacked that such information is even written. Ask someone who is in the middle of an emotional catharsis how super they feel, and I bet the answer won’t be great. What about the nurse working in Mental Health? I wonder if she is having an awesome experience because of the Supermoon? What it comes down to is this. The Moon affects the tides, that’s a given. Due to the fact that we are made up of over 70% water, it’s also fair to say that we will be affected as well. The Full Moon will not make us go crazy or make us feel things that don’t belong to us. What it does do is exacerbate the feelings that are already inside of us, by bringing the hidden to the surface. This is a time when the conscious and subconscious minds are connected, and therefore give you access to feelings and thoughts that have been buried inside of you. The fact that the Moon is closer to the earth at this time might mean that you will experience said thoughts and feelings more intensely. That is all. And while after all of the clearing that can take place on a Full Moon, you do end up feeling “super”, it is a process to get there. So this full Moon in Aquarius is about acknowledging and living your truth. Asking questions, and then giving yourself the space to receive the answers. The beauty of the Waterbearer is that it allows us to be detached from situations just enough to gain a different perspective, which in turn can bring solutions. The warmth of Leo combined with the analytical and insightful Aquarius, can help us to tap into the altruistic side of ourselves, and we start to realise that we have a much bigger role to play in this world than we initially thought. While this energy very much encourages us to tap into the unique and individual beings that we are, it also encourages us to help our fellow men and women. So don’t be surprised if you start to feel a pull towards more humanitarian pursuits-whether that be working in Community Services, or volunteering your time at an organization that means something to you. Now, while it is a commendable thing to be out their helping others just make sure you’re not using it as a means to avoid yourself. The Saturn aspect to this Moon says that there is still work to be done on an inner level, and with Leo involved you can be guaranteed that there will be themes of inner child work, and how we relate romantically that need to be looked at. Also, as Saturn in Scorpio is forming a square to the Aquariun energy, you will be prompted to start looking at owning all parts of yourself-even the ones you deem unacceptable and unlovable. You can’t expect someone to love those parts if you won’t. Acceptance of ourselves and each other is a very prominent theme under the Aquarian full moon. And the more we can learn to honour all of the crazy quirks and idiosyncrasies within ourselves, the more we will be able to connect to others without judgement. And the more we can connect to others without judgement, hopefully the less need there will be for segregation and war. We are all living here on this beautiful planet, and we need to hold the light for those who can’t see the light within themselves. Our future depends on it. Go forth and shine your heart space brightly! Affirmation: My ability to be all of who I am, opens me up to boundless opportunities and experiences. I will no longer try to fit in, when I am meant to stand out!! I would like to dedicate this post to the and families and friends of those who’ve lost their lives in the MH370 and MH17 plane disasters, and also to those who are suffering due to the ongoing terror between Gaza and Israel.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 07:21:54 +0000

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