Full Moon in Cancer January 4th / 5th 2015 Now this is one - TopicsExpress


Full Moon in Cancer January 4th / 5th 2015 Now this is one hell of an alignment this weekend peeps - batten down - do your ritual - make it work lol - there is not stopping it any way xx This first moon of the year [called the Wold Moon in Pagan circles] is powerfully connected to the Dogstar of Sirius and powerfully activates the Uranus – Pluto square and the Nodes – there will be a lot more out about that in the newsletter later today – suffice it to say we are in for an interesting few months from here. This is a great kick off. As it activates the Square it leads to a sense of being drowned and smothered by the authoritarian madness of the state – being bound tighter and tighter by controls that we know are not necessary or required and which powerfully restrict our freedom. At the same time we feel restless and desiring freedom however it is much harder to live off the grid these days [in fact almost impossible] and so we are caught between these two forces and activated by both. With the Moon in Cancer we are more emotive about all this now – more inclined to rebellion on one hand but fearing the very freedom we desire on the other – doubting our capacity to rise up and take charge of our own existence. And yet that is what is required of us now. We have been so seduced into believing we cannot survive without feeding from the tit of state we doubt our own history. So this full moon observe where you are bound to the state or another human being [either needy or bullying], or an idea, or a problem, or a job!! What ever it is and if it is draining you then break free – we are truly at the crossroads of humanity this year [more out later today for the years astrology] and we are required to stand up and be free now. Because of its connection to the Moon’s Nodes there is fate associated with this and finality! What ever you are about to break free from there will be no turning back. And this is a good thing. For what ever you think you are dependant on you are – in truth – not – and it is time for you to discover this. This Moon’s energies re- invigorates the last October Blood Moon Eclipse openings and releases also which seriously adds to the oomph factor of this. And is a forerunner of the awesome Lunar Eclipse coming in April. Do a ritual of some kind tomorrow peeps – anything you want – to release the ties that bind and open the door for your own waking up!! All Cardinal signs will feel this most potently but there is no getting away from it no matter who you are lol – and Cancerians and Capricornians will feel it most. The moon peaks around midnight our time peeps which is why it crosses the days and nothing like the witching hour itself to add to the mix lol – yes there is a reason it is so popular with certain kinds of energy work! So there will be a great pull to maintain and stay safe and also to reach out for the stars as transformational Pluto rises to its peak energy in the midst of all this to oblige us to do what needs to be done. Know that you are ready to do this peeps – have been practicing for ages and are now ripe to let go of all that does not serve you. With all Cardinal signs activated with this energy in the Grand Cross we shall be required to balance certain things and this juggling act will add to the mix of letting go and doing it well. Capricorn wants us to be free and move forward, Aries wants us to seize the day of something new and bold, Cancer wants us to care about all humanity and Libra wants us to work together so we will need to work it all out here peeps lol. It is this way because that is what is needed – however don’t lose sight of the fact of how far you have already come to be challenged in this way – as you approach this moon look back on all the changes you have made in 2014 – trust you are ready to do it all again – with greater power than before. Be clear about what needs to go here – be clear about where you want to be at the end of this cycle – do a ritual tomorrow to help you release the old constraints and open up to new possibilities! This full moon has teeth like the wolf it is named after so better they work for you as against you lol. Watch for controlling behaviour on your part and the part of others as we want to hold on to what we have while Pluto in the same breath is forcing us to relinquish and let go in order to be free to move forward into the unknown. The whole alignment here creates massive tension and what is done is done and must be released. Like and old and favourite pair of jeans which are barely holding together by the threads at the backside lol. Let go with love – even when the losses are sudden and shocking which can be quite likely with Uranus conjuncting the South Node etc – so brace for the unexpected and new perspectives on old situations and the trine to Chiron here will let heal what has given rise to the old patterns that have held you for so long. In your ritual seek the healing of that wound that is now forcefully being exposed and shed and while this may leave you feeling empty and lost for awhile – know that you are loved and supported as you move closer to the shift of consciousness that will ultimately free you completely.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 22:16:14 +0000

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