Full Moon in Taurus — Sunday November 17, 2013 Nov 15at 10:16 - TopicsExpress


Full Moon in Taurus — Sunday November 17, 2013 Nov 15at 10:16 AM EST. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November’s Full Moon is at 25 Degrees of the sign Taurus, and crests at 10:16 AM EST. Taurus is ruled by benevolent Venus and this Full Moon will bring us to a closer understanding of our loved ones during its transit through this sign. Of course, Taurus has a reputation for being a bit on the stubborn side, so we must try to refrain from being bombastic in our language, or doggedly insisting that we are always right! You will have to keep an eye on your expenditures — especially as Taureans are exceptionally generous to their loved ones when it comes to giving gifts! They love to go over-the-top with meaningful, but perhaps too costly gifts — most often during the Holiday Season. Our Taurus brethren love all of the good things in life — and being ruled by Venus that includes a sweet tooth — so during this food-laden time of year they must be careful not to indulge in too many of the delectable desserts and goodies that are within our grasp everywhere we look. Taurus loves beauty, decoration, and any artistic display — and their homes will indeed reflect their very good taste in all things related to the Holiday Season. They love a good time with family and friends, and will enjoy all of the entertainment of the upcoming celebrations. Taurus should keep an eye on their bottom line, and plan ahead for any expenses they will incur — Im not too concerned, since most Taurus have a keen ability to control their finances and are aware of future needs. We will experience a long Venus transit of the sign Capricorn that began on November 5, 2013, because it turns Retrograde on December 21st, and doesnt leave the sign until March of 2014. So — all Capricorns will find themselves with a little extra boost in all things related to loved ones during this long transit. Prepare now to realize how much that special someone truly means to you, and think about how different your life would be without them. Embrace you family (what better time than the Holidays), and let them know how much you care. Also, Venus brings us more beauty, more caring and more loving ties into our lives. See where Capricorn lives in your chart, and there you will find where your most affectionate connections will be enhanced. Still, we are dealing with the Full Moon — which does bring a bit more turmoil, angst, and bother to us in many ways. As always, keep a cool head if confronted by someone who is out of control, be a defensive driver, be aware of all that is swirling around you — and dont be drawn into someone else’s angry outburst. We traverse these turbulent time periods with ease, most of the time, and just a little extra caution will get us through this one also. Use the energy of the Taurus Full Moon to help you find the perfect gift for that special person, find the best and most beautiful decorations for your home, and be bathed in the glow of this Venus ruled sign. If Youre putting up the lights around your home — be cautious and make sure of your grounding both physically and electrically! Safety first! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taurus Full Moon in the First House: You want to be seen and bust out, but with the calm confidence of your Taurus rising sign. Your presence is charged at this Full Moon, and thats how you draw what you want. You can be single-minded (or obsessed) with throwing your weight around to make an impact. This is about personal charisma, a sense of substance, allure and initiating from thatatmosphere of the self. Your impulse to be out front and push a situation forward is strong. And so is your passionate desire nature. If youre attracted to someone physically, its hard to hide it. You ooze sensuality and this amps the urge to merge intimately. The loony impulse makes you want to possess what you love. Self-containment builds your power. Experience that intensity undiluted, and muse on your priorities. Wear what makes you feel sensual, natural. Aries Full Moon in the Second House: Here the Full Moon is at home, in matters of belongings and values. The outburst is brought on by a desire to fullyrealize your natural gifts, and bring them to form. This favors acts that increase self-reliance, while acknowledging the contributions of others, as well as whats been inherited. A time to look at investments, and scythe off whats toxic and a drain on your life force. Epiphanies come about your motives or a psychic need for something -- is it keeping you from getting a return on what you put in? How can obsessions serve you? A full Moon to settle in to preoccupations that are soul food and potential income streams. Free yourself from co-dependent financial entanglements. Push to the fore, actively cultivating your skills, talents, resources. Cozy up the place with whats nourishing inside and out. Pisces Full Moon in the Third House: Theres some taking care of business going on here. The drive is to get busy putting your social network to a useful purpose. The social surge gets you out and about for relaxed socializing. But there can be an underlying aim of building a solid web of support -- with neighbors, work mates, siblings, acquaintances, colleagues and friends. Get mingling, and watch these connections grow into authentic allies and friends. Invest in currents (media, clubs) that make you feel established. Good times, simple pleasures, synchronicity thats life-enhancing in some meaningful way. Aquarius Full Moon in the Fourth House: Epiphanies about a shared investment, and psychic motives of different parties. Dealings with an inheritance -- emotional or real (estate). Looking at renovating, to alter a place, to sell or make it new for yourself. Tenacious roots dig in where you are now. How to make it a place where you can flourish, feel safe and un invaded. Filling the well at home, so you can unwind and meet the world with sensitivity (not shut down, de-sensitized). Musing on your private life, and who you are out there. Strong actions that signal that having a place to land is a priority. This extends to having a supportive family and friend circle. Saging or burning sandlewood to purify your space. Committing to the land, like putting container plants into the earth. Having an atmospheric, intimate dinner soiree to fill your home with delicious smells and good vibes. Capricon Full Moon in the Fifth House: The full Moon outbursts are to show off a real skill, or what youve built up. Its ideal for making crafts, holiday gifts or digging into your medium as an artist. You want to express your heart, but through making things, your art or the pleasure of being together. Your extroverted side draws you into get-togethers and spontaneous meet-ups. Its time to invest in what you adore (not just love) doing. This perks up your libido, and you show, not tell, your beloved how youre feeling. A primo night for romance, that special feeling that takes you back to that initial attraction and first dates. Venus is with you, if youre looking to magnetize a lover. Flourishes in your look get you noticed. Get hands-on with the kids, create or visit an enchanted place. Take risks to be noticed, and with whats unique about you. Bring your artisan genius to completion. Invest in fun, sensual pleasure, relaxation. Sagittarius Full Moon in the Sixth House: Epiphanies pop about what kind of foundation youre building by the actions of day-to-day. Do they feed your soul and sense of life purpose? Are they aligned with your values? Are you suffering in your daily schedule to the point of getting sick? This is for becoming aware of habits, and then making firm choices that bring more ease into your day. Whats helpful is seeing into the structure of your days. Whats the state of your body, soul and mind? What investments or changes will work out the kinks? Unravel stress knots to unlock the secrets of the soul. Who (or what) are you serving and is it in synch with your values? Scorpio Full Moon in the Seventh House: Are you building love and other partnerships on solid ground? What psychic and emotional undercurrents are they built upon? What will make it more solid? There can be soulful heart-to-hearts at the Full Moon, along with the desire to be close physically. Whats normally under wraps, though, can bust out -- its a time for soul baring, which can make or break a bond. A partnership that transforms as more layers are revealed, grows on ever stronger firmament. Its tested and proven strong and yet able to morph, with the revelations that come with intimacy. An act that demonstrates that love will endure the trials of life. Finding relief in being honest with a business partner or close friend about a deeply-entrenched (possibly taboo) issue. Libra Full Moon in the Eighth House: An urge to find your feet, by transforming a deeply involving matter. It might involve funding that comes with strings attached. Look now at any arrangements, to see whats really being exchanged here. Is the price too high? In what ways (small and big), do you sell your soul for stability? And how does it un ground you? This is a lunar peak for acting on the strength of your convictions, to stand on solid ground. Its also about deep inner change around self-worth. Shedding skins and healing crises lead to feeling more stable, and able to cultivate your native talents. Breaking away from toxic situations and people frees you to discover buried potentials and skills. Are you bonding with others from the psychic stance of weakness or strength? Stability comes from knowing you can face whats in shadow, and weave it into your lifes tapestry. True power is increased when you live your values. Virgo Full Moon in the Ninth House: The urge to live your philosophy in tangible ways. To be fully immersed in an absorbing learning adventure -- gaining real skills, expanding your field of knowledge. You might be fixated on purposeful travel, like an adventure closely linked to your life purpose and passions. What youre doing has to have meaning and fulfill a deep soul purpose. A lunar peak for acting to restore your faith, by embarking on a seekers quest. You prefer adventures that make sense in the scheme of your life. But an expanded outlook shows you how getting out of your usual routine -- for fun and spontaneous trips -- makes you more productive. Moon Musings: Getting credentialed, going on sabbatical abroad, or spa/healing retreat. Attitude of global citizen with the planet as earth school. Tests of physical and psychic endurance. Leo Full Moon in the Tenth House: Some notoriety comes your way, and hopefully its not from a fit of rage. The full Moon releases pent up energies, and this is a public house (tenth) for being on show. One factor could be overwhelm, and taking time to decompress goes a long way. Are you carrying a heavy load of responsibilities? A dedicated night for soaking and sensuality could be just the trick. Big realizations can come about how youre making your mark in the world. You might sense its time for a bold move, or that work and home life are out of balance. Theres a chance for a peak moment with career, so not a bad time to make inquiries or mix socially with people in your field. Looking at the path to being self-authorized, with author a word thats related to the meaning to grow. Are you growing strong roots in your work life? Is it time to widen your sense of whats possible with your lifes work? Space to go deep at home and with intimates is a launch for feeling solid in public. An occupation that makes you feel productive and is satisfying to the soul. Cancer Full Moon in the Eleventh House: Here youre eager to find your place in the lively, buzzing world of people. A time to catch up with far-flung friends, especially those that you vibe with. Ideal for collegial events, for fun or with an aim in mind. Youre apt to see practical ways to translate any innovative or ahead-of-their-time ideas thrown out. And to find very useful angles by looking at fringe topics, or listening to weird genius types. Collaboration is favored and freaky, open-minded people bring out your own eccentricities. You can feel restless at this full Moon, and breakthroughs are possible. They come in areas of friend circles, associations, causes youre aligned with and overall perspective. Something new can hit like a bolt of lightning, but take time to bring it down to earth. Be alert to flashes of ideas that come from the future! Overcoming prejudices that keep you from widening your friend network. Celebrating your uniqueness, and that of others too. Gemini Full Moon in the Twelfth House: One for exquisite self-care and a lot of downtime. You can feel flooded (out) psychically and emotionally. This brings on the desire to be alone, and see how the washing in and out of the tide changes you. Another reason to seek solitude is that youve got heightened sensitivity, so avoid harshness. Tending to your body is a way to get to your soul, and calm the mind in the process. A possible healing crisis happens that eventually leads to a great release. You get to deeply embedded memories and cellular emotional residue stored in the body. This can feel miraculous, and be dramatic, or it could be subtle. Give yourself time to explore the mysterious, with the body as a gatekeeper and holder of secrets. The universe is inside you, and theres always more to be revealed. Dreams give away hidden riddles about roles youre playing, and perhaps how theyve gotten too fixed. You are super tuned in to the buzzing aliveness of nature and the elements.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 23:39:45 +0000

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