||~ Full Spoiler Chapter 775 ~|| ::by aohige:: Chapter 774 - TopicsExpress


||~ Full Spoiler Chapter 775 ~|| ::by aohige:: Chapter 774 Tontatta Warrior chief Leo Jinbe scolds Wadatsumi Robin tells Diamante theres too much handicap on one side. Diamante laughs it off, what do you think, this is some sort of fair duel? This is an execution! But what Robin meant was quite the opposite... (implying, Diamante is the on disadvantaged) She tells Kyros he doesnt have to worry about his daughter anymore, as she will protect her now. Kyros thanks her, hes rage has reached his limit. Hes just about had it with this man. Meanwhile, Gladius men carry off their wounded. Barto yells at them, telling them theyre notdead, and to get the hell out of here. Leo and co receives a call from Viola. She spotted Princess Manshelly has been captured by Jora, and forced to use her ability. Leo and Kabu rushes through the palace to her rescue. Jora tells the princess to obey her. The little princess begs to be returned home to Green Bit. What do you think you are, Boa Hancock!? Jora screams. She demands the princess to heal the officers of the family.All those who fought the officers are heavily hurt, if she uses her Chiyu-Chiyu (Heal-Heal) Fruit ability and restore the officers, the battlefield will turn around in their favor! Use the abilty you used on Sugar earlier to restore everyone! Gives us your magic Jorro (water can)! The princess doesnt want to comply, shefound out that the people shes wanting her to heal are bad people who hurt King Riku. King Doflamingo had been lying all this time. She cries, and her cuteness nearly overhwlems Jora and the family members. But Jora snaps out of it. What do you think you are, the most beautiful girl of the millennium!? (Its hard to tell if Jora is saying this and the previous Hancock comment about herself, like Buggy style, or talking about the princess. Because her grammar is completely off, as expected of a lunatic. I assumed the latter) She is fed up with the princess not complying to her orders, and abuses her by squeezing her. The princess cries in pain, and her tear falls on a nearby fallen family grunt. The grunt gets up, healed.Jora realizes even her tear has the healing power. She slaps the princess around, forcing her to shed tears of healing. Viola watches this in horror, and screams for Leo to get there quickly. Viola tells the others about the horrible abuse the princess is receiving for her ability. Usopp realizes the importance on her ability as a healer, no wonder they would want her.. Unless they can stop Jora, the fight is endless! Leo arrives at the scene. Jora tells him its too late! The tears of princess is already in the air, about to fall on the officers. But Kabu rushes forward, and charges into the fallen officers and knocks them away from the falling tears with Beetle Upper. Leo uses his Stitch Stitch ability to spin strings between the officers and Jora, then stitches them all towards Jora, slamming their bodies into her with Haute Couture Patch Work. (haute couture is a order maid high quality clothing)Jora falls, That is... art The princess is elated to see Leo coming to save her, he is like a prince to her! Viola relieved, reports to the tontattas on successful rescue. They did it! They took out Jora without lettinga single officer recover! The princess hugs Leo, telling him she was frightened. Leo comments on her gaining weight, instantly breaking the mood, and receiving a punch from the princess. Kabu sighs. (... as usual) End of chapter -rayleigh-
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 07:50:03 +0000

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