Full list of all the important banking - TopicsExpress


Full list of all the important banking abbreviations ************************************************************* AACF : Auto-Correlation Function AD : Authorized Dealer ADB : Asian Development Bank ADR: American Depository Receipt AFS : Annual Financial Statement AGM : Annual General Meeting ASSOCHAM : Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India AMFL: Association of Mutual Funds in India ALM: Asset Liability Management ALM: Asset Liability Management ATM: Automated Teller Machine BBIS : Bank for International Settlements BoP :Balance of Payments BSCS : Basel Committee on Banking Supervision BSR : Basic Statistical Returns BSE : Bombay Stock Exchange CCAD : Capital Account Deficit CAG : Controller and Auditor General of India CAR : Cash Adequacy Ratio CBS : Core Banking Solution CCEA : Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement CDBS : Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics CEPA : Comprehensive Economic Partnership Management CFRA : Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts CGRA: Currency and Gold Revaluation Account CIBIL: Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited CII : Confederation of Indian Industries CPI : Consumer Price Index CRR: Cash Reserve Ration DDICGC: Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India DTAA: Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement EECB: External Commercial Borrowings ECS : Electronic Clearing Scheme EEFC : Exchange Earner’s Foreign Currency EFSF : European Financial Stability Facility EXIM : Export-Import Bank of India FFCA : Foreign Currency Assets FCNRA : Foreign Currency Non-resident Account FDI : Foreign Direct Investment FERA : Foreign Exchange Regulation Act FICCI : Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry FII : Foreign Institutional Investor FIMMDA : Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association FINO : Financial Inclusion Network Operation FIPB : Foreign Investment Promotion Board FPI : Foreign Portfolio Investment FSDC : Financial Security and Development Council FSLRC : Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission FTA : Free Trade Agreement GGDP : Gross Domestic Product GDR : Global Depository Receipt GFD : Gross Fiscal Deficit GIRO : Government Internal Revenue Order GAAR : General Anti Avoidance Rule HHDFC : Housing Development Finance Corporation SSLR : Statutory Liquidity RatioI ICICI : Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India IDBI : Industrial Development Bank of India IMF : International Monetary Fund IPO : Initial Public Offering LLAF : Liquidity Adjustment Facility LIBOR : London Inter Bank Offered Rate MMIBOR : Mumbai Inter- Bank Offer Rate NNABARD : National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development NASSCOM : National Association of Software and Services Companies NBFC : Non- Banking and Finance companies NEFT : National Electronic Funds Transfer System NSE : National Stock Exchange NPA : Non Performing Assets OOMO : Open Market Operations RRTGS : Real Time Gross Settlement System SSCC : Selective Credit Control SHGs : Self Help Groups SEBI : Securities and Exchange Board of India SIDBI : Small Industries and Development Bank of India WWPI : Wholesale Price Index
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 16:13:15 +0000

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