Full moon rituals are perfect for purging and releasing things - TopicsExpress


Full moon rituals are perfect for purging and releasing things from our lives that no longer serve our higher self. The bright light of the sun throws a spotlight on our subconscious to illuminate any issues that have been festering there since the new moon. Often the full moon is a time where we can see the fruit blossom from the seeds we planted at the new Moon. We can also choose to release people or bad habits as old routines and ties we established years ago can be thrown into the lunar fire. When we release people or things in this way, the full moon birthing time can be more of a cosmic menstruation. Therefore the Full Moon can be a cleansing time for both men and women. Some full Moons are better at letting-go or birthing certain things than others. Some moons are more about birthing or bringing things to a head gently. Other full moons may have a more volcanic, violent purging energy about them depending on the decan or star being activated. Read on for suggested ways to utilize its energy for birthing and/or release. darkstarastrology/full-moon-january/
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:02:22 +0000

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