[Full or complete enlightenment or Awakening is the result of - TopicsExpress


[Full or complete enlightenment or Awakening is the result of healing the split mind by the Holy Spirit, Who dwells in the higher part of our mind, and is our unbreakable connection to Papa.] “Indeed so. That healing brings restoration to remembrance of whole-mindedness, which IS enlightenment. The seemingly split-off part of your mind, which is the ego’s habitat, has absolutely no awareness or understanding of whole-mindedness because that is CHRIST Mind and is of eternity, just like Papa’s. “Ego-mind denies this reality because what it does not know or understand does not exist for it, and it knows and understands nothing of reality. It is this upside-down part of the mind that is consciously engaged most of the time by most of the fragments due to distraction from spiritual commitment and discipline. “Any who think healing can be performed by their own self-will, or any device it has contrived in the dream world of time and place, are mistaken. Such ideas are destined to retain prisoners in the separation consciousness. “Such self-determination will continue, without intervention from Christ Mind, until free will chooses to abandon that downward-spiralling path in favour of the Path Home, under My all-empowered leadership, guidance and protection. “However, although there can be no intervention, because that breaches the Law of free will, the Call Home constantly conspires to produce OPPORTUNITIES for remembrance, including – and often, ESPECIALLY – in the darkest moments of the dream. This is not contra to the Will of the Creator because His Son IS His Will, which cannot BUT be done. It only APPEARS that way in the illusion of time, but is impossible in reality. “By making the conscious decision to co-operate with Self Will by surrendering self-will, many circuits of the carousel can be saved, and the distress of those still necessary can be commensurately diminished, because the direction of the journey will be TOWARD the Light, instead of away from it. This is inevitable because surrender means the end of resistance. But any time the ego is allowed control of the reins again this will not be prevented BECAUSE of free will. “At such times do not make the mistake of believing you have been abandoned by Papa, or His Voice, or Jesus. Hence the need for vigilance and steadfast commitment. For this, forgiveness is an empowering tool. Extend the same forgiveness to your brothers as Papa extends to you. That’s how you make it YOURS. There is no other way to avoid judgement and condemnation of oneself to continuing riding that not-so-merry-go-round. Diary of a Christ Communicant, AM October 24th, 2010 honest2goodness.org.uk
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 09:10:40 +0000

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