Full transcript of His Majestys Titah on the occasion of the - TopicsExpress


Full transcript of His Majestys Titah on the occasion of the beginning of the Muslim new year 1436: I am thankful to Allah, glorified and exalted be He, for being able to celebrate the Muslim new year of 1436 in an atmosphere of comfort and harmony. Celebrating and welcoming the beginning of the new year in the Islamic calendar is a tradition in this country to reflect on the historical accounts of Prophet Muhammad’s Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wassalam hijrah (or migration from Makkah to Madinah). The hijrah is an event full of divine barakah (or lasting blessings). It was not planned simply to flee (from persecution), but it was done by the command of Allah in order to protect the aqidah, the Islamic faith brought by our Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad Shallahu ‘Alaihi Wassallam. It took place in a manner that was most extraordinary, on a journey beset by a multitude of obstacles and hardships. If it was not for Allah’s protection, the hijrah would have met with failure along the way. Why not? The Prophet and his loyal companion Sayyidina Abu Bakar were almost caught, and potentially killed by enemies in hot pursuit if help and protection were not provided by Allah when (He so willed that) a spider weaved its web and pigeons built a nest (at the entrance of a cave, inside which both were hiding). If Muslims truly understand the significance of this episode, they need not go anywhere else to get lessons and examples from. The Hijrah was so eventful with numerous lessons to learn from and examples to be followed. The Hijrah reveals to us how vitally important it is to have courage. Equally important are the spirit of sacrifice and loyalty. If there wasn’t any courage, or if the spirit of sacrifice and loyalty were absent, the great migration would not have become an integral part of the Islamic history. Just imagine, there were just two persons, namely Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wassalam and his loyal companion Sayyidina Abu Bakar, who set out on the journey, whereas their enemies were so many in number persistently pursuing and searching for them everywhere. But due to their courage and willingness to sacrifice for anything, Allah delivered them safely from danger and enemies. It was because they firmly believed that God was always with them, protecting them. It is very important for (the concepts involved to be understood and) their example to be followed by all Muslims today because many are the thing that test our resolve to lead a truly religious life. If we do not have the attitude of such great figures in the history of Hijrah, it is feared that Muslims of today would (continue to) become weak and marginalised, despite the fact that Allah had recognised us Muslims as the best of peoples because of our ways in always inviting others to do good and advising against doing bad deeds. However, it seems we are now in a position of weakness and too afraid to reveal the true nature of Islam and convey the virtuous teachings of the religion, and this means we are placing ourselves in a position that is no longer worthy of becoming the best of peoples. We need to be conscious of this shortcoming in our effort to follow and practise the lessons learnt from the hijrah. This year, the celebration carries the theme “BE UNIFIED IN SUPPORT OF ALLAH’S LAW”. “Unify” indeed is very good word to utter. The words “Unify in Support of Allah’s Law” is a phrase which is very powerful and noble. It needs to be said with courage and earnesty. What is meant by courage here is being courageous (in doing something) for the sake of Allah, not for anything else. Whatever is done for the sake of Allah alone is very noble in the sight of Allah. What is essential for us to remember is that the intention behind the deed must not be for any other reasons, but it must be completely dedicated towards helping and preserving the sanctity of His religion only. By so doing, we will find that (in return) Allah will definitely come to our aid. This is His promise. Verily, Allah’s promise is absolutely true and that promise will be honoured and will never be broken. To end this message, I wish to express “Happy New Hijrah Year 1436”, and it is with the hope that may Allah place us and our nation under His divine help and protection, favouring us with an abundance of blessings in the form of lasting peace, tranquillity and with the people living together in solidarity and harmony. Aameen (may it be so) O Lord of the Worlds!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 13:25:17 +0000

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