Fullness of Grace Ministry International For two weeks we - TopicsExpress


Fullness of Grace Ministry International For two weeks we looked at a story told by Jesus of a Father and two sons. We saw several important lessons that He was teaching the people to whom He was talking. The primary lesson we were studying was that the Father did not reject the rebellious son nor did He condemn him for what he had done when he returned to the Father. Then the Father tried to show the older brother how to receive without condemnation. Jesus clearly showed how God sees a Believer, how He does not condemn our sins and how He accepts everyone in love. We should do the same. It is not the acts of sin for which we need forgiveness; it is our sinful nature, we were slaves to the devil, for which Jesus died to redeem. Our base text for this study was Romans 8: 1, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus” (KJV). What is “condemnation?” It is katakrima, Thayer Definition: damnatory sentence; Strong’s Definition, an adverse sentence. This plainly says that Jesus paid the ‘adverse’ or ‘damnatory punishment’ for mankind. Jesus took our sentence, bore our punishment and in return gave to all that will “receive” (reach up and take) His righteousness and His life. It was accomplished for us over two thousand years ago; now when a Believer fails (and we do!) the Father is looking for us to “return to our senses” and realize who we are “in Christ Jesus”(in the anointing.) He has not left us nor forsaken us - in fact He has a big party planned with music and dancing! Welcome to the “CHURCH” OF GRACE! All who BELIEVE He is alive have been reconciled and made “the righteousness of God IN Jesus.” The price for freedom has been paid, forgiveness has been granted…now shout for joy, sing to His glory and dance with all your heart for what He has done! Join the Party!! We declare love, joy and peace in the fullness of grace in your life today!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 18:59:34 +0000

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