Fun Fact #35 Psalms 148:4 reads… “Praise him, you highest - TopicsExpress


Fun Fact #35 Psalms 148:4 reads… “Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies.” If you take this verse literally, you could conclude this verse refers to a layer of water in the upper atmosphere. Of course we know that no such layer exists as we have the technology to go there, have been there, and have seen no such layer of water in the upper atmosphere. If this verse in the Bible were scientifically accurate, what would that mean for the world to have this layer of water? Well, it would impact the world in two distinct ways… 1. Water is an excellent barrier for ultraviolet light and other forms of harmful cosmic radiation. This would dramatically slow down the aging process of life on earth. It would also dramatically reduce if not eliminate a wide range of cancers we currently see take the lives of people all over the world. 2. A barrier of water in the upper atmosphere would significantly increase the air pressure of the atmosphere on earth to the point the oxygen level would double. When the human body (or the body of any other organism) is constantly exposed to artificially high levels of oxygen compared to what we experience today on earth, some interesting things start to happen. The body becomes essentially supercharged. The body becomes able to grow and repair itself at much higher levels than normally seen. Modern medicine is even using over-exposure to oxygen to allow the body to heal itself from injuries and illnesses that were once considered untreatable. So what would Earth with conditions like this look like compared to now? Well for starters, you would see people and all other life on Earth living much longer life spans compared to now. Today in the U.S., the average life expectancy is 79 years old. With an upper atmosphere water barrier, you would see people routinely celebrate their 900th birthday. You would also see people and all other life grow to tremendous size compared to what we see now. Today, the average human is between 5 feet 9 inches and 5 feet 10 inches. In a world with this upper atmosphere water barrier, you would see people routinely grow to over 12 feet tall. What I find fascinating about this verse is that it was written about 3000 years before modern science and way before we knew anything about the layers of the atmosphere. However, today we do know that such a layer must have existed because all the things I described above did actually happen. If you study ancient cultures the world over, you will notice that the one thing they all have in common is they tell stories of the “golden era” which was a time when people routinely lived to be more than 900 years old. In addition to people living to be very old, we find giant versions of fossilized modern animals all over the world. At the University of Nebraska Museum, you can see where they found a rhinoceros that stands 18 feet tall. We have found fossilized dragonflies with 36-inch wing spans, grass hoppers 2-feet long, cockroaches 18-inches long, and cattail plants 60-feet tall. Jim Erb found an 8-foot long beaver skeleton in Johnson Creek Wisconsin. The list continues with giant sharks, centipedes, dogs, horses, ect… However, my personal favorite is the skeleton of a man found in an Italian coal mine that was 11-feet 6-inches tall.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 00:17:07 +0000

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