Funeral Sermon Doris Gerhold October 25, 2014 Mel, Kurt, Eric, - TopicsExpress


Funeral Sermon Doris Gerhold October 25, 2014 Mel, Kurt, Eric, family, and friends of Doris, grace and peace be with you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Every person is created in God’s image. Every person has characteristics that they share with God that enable others to know who God is through them. In baptism, we go on to say that we are Christ’s body in the world for the sake of others. As Christians, we embody God’s love as known to us through Jesus life, death, and resurrection. So, each of us has been put here for the sake of others, so that all of creation might know who God is through us. And Doris has done a great job of that! Well done good and faithful servant! From her dachshunds and schnauzers, to her beloved family and friends, to patients at the Veterans Hospital, Doris has shared with us God’s characteristics of being loving and caring, merciful and kind, to all of God’s creatures, especially the least and lowly like Fritz the dachshund who got preferential treatment when it came to his sleeping chair. And so we also see that Doris, like God, stood up for those who could not stand up for themselves, like poor little Fritzie. That’s part of what made her such a great nurse, wife, mother, and friend. She could see who was in need, and she would help them – human and animal alike. As I thought about Doris, I was curious as to what the name Doris means. Because, when I think of Doris I think of her being such a strong sturdy presence. Doris had that way about her that when she was in the room I always felt that everything was going to be all right. Perhaps it was because she was very calm and she lifted everyone else up. Like a good support beam, Doris was there propping everyone up so that they could be who God made them to be. I dare say that Mel would not be half the artist he is if it weren’t for Doris, right? And, I know that Kurt and Eric were very much loved by their mother as well, and I’m guessing you probably feel the same way, right? Imago dei – we are created in God’s image. We always think of God as our Father in Heaven, but Jesus spoke of how God is mothering - loving, forgiving, caring, who sends us out to be a loving presence in the world. So, I looked up Doris on the baby name site, it said that Doris means “gift.” That’s a great name, isn’t it? I think we could all agree that Doris is a very precious gift. So, today we are gathered here to give thanks to God for the gift of Doris and for having her in our lives. God is generous to us indeed. As I read on on that website it said that one of the characteristics of people with the name Doris is that they are stable, and they seek stability. Ah ha. That is Doris I thought. Stable. Doris was always a calming presence in any room. Doris. A gift from God was created in God’s image, so that we might know who God is in our lives. In baptism we become Christ’s body in the world. In our acts of love, forgiveness, and caring, we are Christ for others. Part of being a member of the body of Christ through baptism is that we are also physically joined to Jesus in his death and resurrection. That’s the hope in which we live. The hope of eternal life. So, even though we are saddened at losing Doris, we are still able to gather to give thanks to God, because we know this separation is just a temporary one. And although we may think, how will I ever get along without her? In that thought, we have already acknowledge the fact that Doris is at peace, resting in God’s care, and for her we have nothing to worry about. God has her. In baptism, Doris is all taken care of, as is each of us is. Baptism ties us all to God through the Holy Spirit, and thereby to one another, so there is never a reason to fear. God is holding us all in his hands together, and God is working out all things for the good of us all. It’s just that the kingdom of God has yet to be fulfilled, so people die and bodies deteriorate. But, it’s not the end of the story. And, God knows where we are in our sadness right now. Jesus died. God has experienced death and loss, and will carry us all through to the other side – to the resurrection where we will be reunited with God. So today, as we give thanks for Doris, we also give thanks for baptism which joins us to Christ – God’s love and life, resurrected, and indestructible. God is more powerful than death. Life and love can never be destroyed. And so today we also give thanks for the other sacrament, Holy Communion. In Holy Communion, we join in the feast of eternal life that has no end. In Holy Communion, we dine with not only Jesus, but with all Christians throughout all time and place, including Doris. God gives us physical gifts, to hold in our arms and hands, to remind us that God is with us always. In Holy Communion, we hold Christ in our hands and dine with all of our loved ones – past, present, and future. So, if you thought you couldn’t have supper with Doris anymore, you would be mistaken. You can. And today, we will join in that Holy Meal. A meal provided for us by God. And there is another aspect that Doris shared with God. She always made sure everyone was well fed, with apple cake and meatloaf being some of the highlights. Today is October 25. In two months, on the 25th of December, we will celebrate Jesus birth, and remember that into our darkness, the light of life was born. God incarnate was born into our midst to bring us God’s grace and peace, and remind us that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God as found in Christ Jesus our Lord. And there is nothing that can separate us from Doris’ love either, because love is the very being of God. So, as we remember how Doris shared God with us throughout her life, may we continue to give thanks for her, for God’s graciousness and mercy, for baptism and communion, and for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 19:45:09 +0000

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