Funny, I worked as property manager for a guy who owned an - TopicsExpress


Funny, I worked as property manager for a guy who owned an apartment complex facing foreclosure years ago. This guy was a part of the 100 Black Men. I worked for free and used my own resources to fix several issues with the complex including evictions, remodeling destroyed rooms, removing vagrants, securing vacant apartments, replacing water lines, etc. The loan was an assumable loan, but he refused to sign it over to me. He had to make a profit, a principle he learned in business school. He said get the rents back up and pay $XXX amount of dollars. Long story short, the property went into foreclosure. He lost the property and refused to sign it over to me. HMMM . . . By the way, he had several other apartment complexes in other cities that kept him financially in the millions, but he refused to help another man out of the rat race for whatever reason (self-hate or jealousy or fear, perhaps). The power that corrupts is the fear of upper class Blacks to lose their status. Its pimping on a different level: selling a dream to others to keep their ship afloat. I could care less about the color of your skin, but the poverty of our community stretches from lack of love to fear of returning to lack of finances from those newly rich people. I do not vote strictly Democrat. I look at the candidates platform and pray and allow GOD to lead me. If they are Christian, then I know GOD CAN convict their heart to do His will, but that is not the only criterion. And please dont let me start on the continued selling-out of our children for money in these schools. The last superintendent got into trouble getting money for children who were not able to pass based on the inability to test on a certain level. There are other programs that are bought each year for students that are just more of the same ineffective technology for the students that do not have computers at home, instead of giving a teacher a raise, so they can spend more mental focus on the child. Some of us are our worst enemy. Parents dont trust teachers who have their childs interest at heart. Parents who do not discipline their children and train them to be disrespectful to teachers, just because they do not agree with little things create big problems. This does not represent most parents, but enough to be noted. Also, parents who dont train their child to bring their materials to school create another welfare mindset. It is not the schools responsibility to give your child a pencil, a calculator, paper, a notebook, clothes, etc.; but we do it anyway to give your child a chance. Also, it is not the schools responsibility to love your child more than you do, but the coaches, clubs, and extra-curricular people do it every day, especially those who would rather belong to such groups than come home. THINK, nothing just happens. For success to happen, there must be work involved. Some administrators have personal vendettas. Some people negotiated their way into position; because their skills are not commensurate with the job responsibilities (people collecting a check). And on the very top, we have people in their offices who ran from the classroom and have never been in the classroom making life-altering decisions for those in the classroom. This broken state of people does not change when the get a degree or change job positions. We have just created a more powerful person who is still hurt, scared, scarred with the ability to make POOR decisions for plenty of people. This fact is not all over, but it is present enough to keep school districts in a constant state of spinning their wheels in the mud; because a child who has no discipline and no desire to learn will not learn. Teachers cannot do it all: fight for the children, teach the children, train the child how to act in a classroom, counsel the child, grade papers, create lessons specific for your child, call you when your child is not acting in-line with learning, prevent or stop fights, give anger-management counseling, talk to parents who dont have a clue about the other child that exists at school, talk to administrators who are prisoners to their new financial lifestyle without the ability to do what needs to be done for those that care or who just care about themselves and get evaluated by these people, all the while wasting time to make presentations on walls that children really do not care about and tear down just to have you replace the next day or get a write-up, . . . you get my point. 80% of administration and teachers are doing what they are supposed to do, but we are limited in this community. If you are not a positive force trying to help the school, then you are a part of the problem. As a community, if we dont get healed, we are done. Why do you think there is nothing really done for Trayvon, Ferguson, etc.? We complain, protest, and return to the mess over which we stressed. The fight is dismal when your own team treats you like the opposition too frequent to feel secure in your job, but someone has to do it right? And we have to keep sending our students to places like this with issues like this and hope they have a chance when they get into a world like this: the real-world we have created through our complaints and lack of action. At some point we must be honest with ourself and have enough integrity to clean-out our dirty closet. Just let Jesus clean you; and you can be more effective. At any rate, GOODIE MOB said it best, We would rather buy the lie than hear (receive, accept and change from hearing) the truth. Cee-lo Green, said it well and to the point The Nigga Experience. The Bible says dont be deceived (1 Corinthians 6:9, Galatians 6:7, James 1:16). There is no use knowing what the problem is without doing something about it, or are you scared to change from the miserable state of existence? In the grand scheme of it all, we are still fighting over crumbs. JESUS IS REAL and there is a world after this one. ARE YOU READY? What will your dash say when you pass away.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:47:12 +0000

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