Funny. If it is in your media the world believes it. If everyone - TopicsExpress


Funny. If it is in your media the world believes it. If everyone believes it, it must be true. Like what they say about Syria and Assad. Im sure you believe all that. Also true, you say. Choke on this ... if you still think it is all true, you are learning nothing, and thoroughly deserve ... actually, it doesnt matter. Its coming your way anyway, on and on and on. p.s. you never stood up for a hundred million citizens of Western civilization when they were dying around the world ... your media ignored or lied about them and you believed it. The same subhumans gathered at Yalta, in 1945, to share out the spoils of WW2. The initial agreement was totally reversed. Only one gained anything, and iconic national examples of Western civilization were handed to the enemies of Western civilization, and destroyed forever. Of course, they will attempt the same here again. Not to be trusted ever again. Deny history, and the blood of unarmed, hardworking millions of humans from Western civilization that stains them, at your own peril. A more wretched hive of scum and villainy” has never gathered around the same table, except at their own earlier meetings. “What is being proposed is a bloodbath. The seizure of Aleppo and Damascus would require the bombardment of the two most densely populated urban areas in Syria and the bloody slaughter of the pro-government forces that have, until now, resisted the Sunni forces that Washington is seeking to install in power. Given the sectarian crimes already carried out by Sunni extremist militias, it would also lead to pogroms, particularly against Shiite Alawites. The determination of the US ruling elite to realise its predatory ambitions to place the entire Middle East under its political and military dominance has produced atrocity after atrocity, above all the massive death and destruction inflicted in Iraq. In Syria, an estimated 90,000 people have already lost their lives. The stepped-up drive now taking place to reduce Syria to a US client-state portends yet more war crimes.” Friends of Syria? The subhuman princes of Arabia? The British upper class who have the blood of a hundred million from Western civilization they handed over to serial, genocidal scale mass murders in the last hundred years, along with the Democratic Party and their one and only friend? You are invited to a renewal of the gathering of the same subhumans that gathered at Yalta in 1945. The Democrats, the Communists, and Britain. The communists with the blood on one hundred million fresh on their hands, demanding more, are not available today. Only the subhuman princes of Arabia have more and fresher blood on their filthy hands, 270 million, and so they have been called off the bench to stand in for the communists (who would have been much preferred … their leadership were almost all Jewish as even Putin admitted.) The Democrats and Britain have an insatiable appetite for handing over unarmed, hardworking citizens in their millions to genocidal scale mass murderers. They did it in in 1917 when they supported the takeover of Russia by outsiders with the blood of assasinations and three children fresh on their hands, the first of at least ten million children they killed in the next 35 years. They did it again in Yalta 1945, in a peace conference they hope to repeat today, when they handed the Jewish owned Georgian, Stalin, the whole of Eastern Europe and half of Germany. Of course, they had hoped it would be the whole of Europe, but Germany outsmarted Roosevelt in the dying months of the war, not defending against the advance of the West from the West, throwing all their resources to the East and slowing the Communists so they only got half of what they and Roosevelt wanted, for his still Jewish owned Communist partner. Today, the Democrats, Jewish owned and controlled as always, with the support of the British upper class again (since the end of the Crusades), with their substitute subhuman partners from the desert, want to do the same … they wish to feed on Syria, and if that goes well, the rest of the world. What they want is not peace, but TAKEOVER and COMSUMPTION, which is all any of the the subhumans from the desert know, true even for those of their descendants who have lived for a thousand years as guests on the land of civilized countries. It is still all they know. Civilization has not taken root at all. No wonder Assad does not want to be at a peace conference with them. I wouldn’t sit down to dinner with them. Assad, of course, knows that he and his fellow Syrians are the dinner. They will eat their organs, cut the heads off unarmed civilians, occupy their buildings and land, bury them and their history beneath themselves and their future, unseen and never spoken of, as if they never existed. That’s not a peace conference.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 08:07:46 +0000

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