Funny fact, so last night I played a family party for Tisha Leigh - TopicsExpress


Funny fact, so last night I played a family party for Tisha Leigh and her family and friends, she asks me to bring sound and play music. Everything was great except Im a drummer not a DJ, and I forgot the power cord for my computer lol, I didnt realize I played music for awhile then I saw the low power pop-up, and I promptly shut the computer off when I realized what had happened, I was in hopes I had enough power left to play the recorded song for Tisha Leigh s first dance. Tisha was ready I booted the computer to play the track, and it went to start and lol it just shut off, oh no. I ran to tell Tisha that I was gonna have to play everything, and she was cool with it, and we quickly developed an intro plan. Off to the races I started it, and dropped into a melodic slow beat, she danced with her graceful black feather fans. Anyhow after the fan dance we went from transition to transition through several time signatures and breaks, solo after solo lol Tisha was in a great space, and I didnt think she was ever going to stop, so when everyone was looking at me for the next solo transition, I in turn did some funny snake arms, and said give it up for Tisha. So the funny thing about thing folks is we are talking about a beautiful soul of a woman Tisha Leigh who used to be terrified at dancing solo, and only had comfort in groups, now she has started teaching classes and putting on her own events,way to do it Tisha!, it is literally the Butterfly emerged from the cocoon. Look for her giving lessons ladies in the Placerville area, and please come on out to the Haunted Hafla at The Cosmic Cafe in Placerville on October 4th, yours truly will be performing, and 20 plus wonderful dancers, including The Marvelous Tisha Leigh.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 17:48:48 +0000

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