Funny how u think Im a joke wen Im not I get called ugly fat a - TopicsExpress


Funny how u think Im a joke wen Im not I get called ugly fat a whore I get called a lot of things at school but u wanna know wat their just names they hurt but I may not show it but it hurts a lot more then u think n say it this is how ppl kill themselves cause you ppl dont know wen to stop bullying me or anyone no one deserves to die at a young age not even u but just remember wen they do end their life it will be all ur fault for pushing them to the point that they think no one wants them here yeah I get at the point of that but I think and I know that ppl will miss me cause they care they are true friends but wen they do commit suicide its ur fault for bullying them and telling them they dont belong here well everyone does it not about how we look its about trust n believing us why cant u all see that no young teenager needs to think like this n end it its so sad to see them go all the things you say to them n mre hurts cause we feel like we are a no body. Think about wat u say to one another before you bully them. And its no joke!!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 08:51:52 +0000

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